Like mother, like son. (pt1 of likley 2)

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Woodwick. That's the name of the town. Rex hasn't been there in at least 11 years. She took Yasu there when he was around maybe 12. There was a festival celebrating 5 years of peace. But now, that peace is gone. She heard Yasu was here though, fighting to abolish the current government because of things she doesnt know of.

Rex found herself walking through a part of the town. It was destroyed, burnt down. There were bodies on the street. She continued walking. She knew Yasu was there, her father told her the birds were watching him. She knew where to go too.

After about maybe 10 minutes however, she came across people. The people were fighting. There were more dead. She looked around for her son. Thinking. Then without thinking, she began to walk somewhere, slightly away from the fighting. Up a hill. Down the hill. While walking down the hill, she found a cave, dimly lit with a faint glow of a torch in the distance inside. She froze, remembering when she told Yasu of cheeseburger.

"No. Surely not. He- he wouldn't." She stuttered, but walked in anyways. It was a long cave. It was on a hill though, so it would end eventually she knew. And it did. She stood before the room. It was a natural cave, apart from the wall she was looking towards. Yasu was looking at it. She shakily exhaled, looking at him.

"Yasu." she said in a firm voice. Looking at him. Hearing her voice he immediately turned around to look at her. He looked surprised to see Rex there. There were a few seconds of silence. "Re- mom? How did you-" he began to say, but Rex responded before he could continue. "Why are you in here. "

"I-" he stuttered.

"I thought you were fighting for peace for the town." She knew what she was saying.

Slight silence. "I am." he stepped a step closer to Rex. She could see there was a lever on the wall, connected to a few wires, going into the wall. "But I know that the only way for there to be peace," he looked at the lever, "is for it to start over. The whole town. Start from scratch again."

Rex looked at Yasu with an unapproved face. "Yasu, you shouldn't do what-" but he interrupted, looking at her again. " do what you did? Yeah, you actually fucked cheeseburger up damaging it, but im gonna completely destroy Woodwick." he realized what he said didnt sound good. "Look, i- okay that didn't sound right. But I'm doing this town a favor. It hasn't seen real peace in years. Destroying it will make them realize that they can be better and fix their mistakes."

"Yasu-" she tried to begin reasoning with him. But once again, she was interrupted. "I am doing this. I know what I'm doing, it will be good for the town." he let out a slight chuckle. Rex just stood there in silence, processing her childs words.

As she did, Yasu walked over to the lever, then looked back at Rex, with his hand on the lever. "Besides, like mother like a son, right?" he again chuckled throughout that sentence, and then pulled the lever. Rexs eyes widened as he said that. Still unable to speak. Noises of the mechanism attached to the wire were heard.

She rushed towards the kid right as the wall in front of them, the one with the mechanism, exploded. She ended up knocking him down, but guarding him from the explosion. She coughed, breathing in the debris from the explosion. And then stood up. Yasu stumbled standing, Rex held her hand out to him, he took it, as she helped him stand up. He looked at what he did.

"This, " he began to laugh. "This will bring peace! To this town." He was smiling.

Rex responded, in a voice that sounded both broken and calm, "no. no it wont. Please, believe me on this. this will bring more pain rather than peace." she said, looking out at the destruction. Yasu stayed silent. Looking at the destruction he caused.

"Let's go back home, no one will know it was you who did this then."

Her response was met with more silence. He still continued to look at what he did. His eyes widened and stepped back from where he stood, "I- I should have listened to you.. I shouldn't have-" he began to say, but tripped and fell onto the ground, hand over his mouth, and began sobbing.

Rex saw this and went over to him and hugged him silently as he continued to sob. "I want you to kill me. Please." he said through the sobbing, after what felt like years of silence.

. Rex was taken aback by this comment. "Yasu i'm not going to kill y-" "Please! I- I destroyed people's homes, ive destroyed people's lives with this. I- I- no- no one will forgive me for doing this.." he said it slightly louder than before.

"They'll understand if y-''

"They won't! They won't.." He yelled the first part, but said the last part almost a whisper. Rex thought for a few moments, then stood up, now looking down at him. "I'm not killing my only child. Yasu, you made a mistake,it can b-" she got interrupted.

"It can't be fixed though! Please!" his voice sounded broken as he begged for his own death. Rex didn't want to kill him. She stood there in shock. Then, in a swift motion, Yasu grabbed the sword from Rexs [sword holder thing] and shoved it in Rexs hands. "I want you to kill me. Please. please." he once again begged, making eye contact with Rex, who looked down at the sword, then over to Yasu. "fine." she shakily breathed.

Then, she went to Yasu and stabbed him, embraced him in a hug while doing so, and took the sword out once they were both hugging.. He let out a pained gasp, hugging back immediately from the pain. Rex was crying. She wouldn't audibly cry. At least not yet. She continued to hug until Yasu fell, she went down to the ground with him. She sat then, hugging Yasu, who spoke slightly more than a whisper"Do you have any.. Any other stories you could tell me?." he asked her.

Rex stayed silent for a split second. "Yeah. i- i have one story." she began. "The story is about a young boy, he came from a nice loving family, he lived by a forest. One day, the boy and his mother went out into the nearby forest, a forest the locals said never to enter. " Yasu and Rex were both looking at each other. Rex shakily continued. "The boy and mother, now in the forest,walked for a long while. Eventually they came across a sight. amazed by what they saw, lush trees, fresh fruits in all of the trees, soft moss. It was beautiful. They decided to rest there for a while. Under a tree. The soft moss beneath them." She moved a hair out of Yasus face. "Eventually though, the boy fell asleep beneath the tree, and the mother carried him back home. When he woke up, he told his father of their adventures, and in return, he told them of his day, fighting thieves and saving people. The family was perfect. And the boy was.." she looked at Yasu. there was no life left in his eyes. He was dead. "And the boy was happy."

She finished the story with shaky breathing, and then began to sob, hugging her dead child. He's dead. Her only child is dead and it's her fault. After what felt like many hours, she stood up, holding Yasus body, and walked out of the cave. She found a tree, near the town, and buried him under it. She gathered stones and put them around the grave, and took a piece of nearby wood and wrote on it 'Yasu Aderius. Friend, leader, and son.' she looked at the grave, tears still rolling. "I'm sorry." and eventually, she walked away, back in the direction of her home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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