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I didn't know wether to be upset, happy, or confused...

We did hang out a lot on weekends...
And school. So it does make sense a bit. And I shouldn't be confused. I loved him too so I should be happy. After thinking for about 45 seconds or so, I see his head down, like he's embarrassed.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything i-"
"I love you too." I respond, with a gentle smile. He looked up, at me. He smiled back. He looked less nervous now.

He didin't strike me as someone who would say 'I love you.' first. But people can surprise you all the time.

After that, we hung out for a bit. Before he had to leave.
The rest of the night I thought about that moment.

I went to sleep early so I could be ready for the last day of school.

*The next morning.*

I wake up, and I go downstairs to grab some avacado toast. After that, I brush my teeth and do my makeup. I do concealer, lipgloss, mascara.  Now my outfit. I wear some black shorts and a baggy white tee. So my friends can sign it. I was excited, yet sad for my last day ever of highschool. Happy it's over, but sad because this is the last summer I'll get with all my friends in the same place. I try to focus on happier moments. Like all the times me and my friends will go to the beach. Hanging out with Ethan, and my birthday party. It was in late July. So I could have a party with all my besties.

I grab my backpack, though I won't be needing it. And I head on to my car.

*10 minutes later*

I arrive at school to see everybody happy, and finding their friend groups. I head to Devi's locker to meet up with my friends. I see them, happy tears in their eyes. Your last day of school as a senior in highschool is a bittersweet moment. Not much for Trent, since it's his second.
I talk with Devi, Fab, and, El for a bit.
"You guys have to promise we'll hang out like basically everyday this summer!" El says.
I giggle.
"I promise." I respond, smiling.

The bell rang, we head to class. Since it's the last day, Mr. Shapiro wants us to talk about how he as a teacher has shaped our minds or something like that.
We only did one class before the school split the school into groups of different places to go, fun ones.
My group got the lounge in the front of the school. I look around for Ethan.

I see him sitting on a bench, with his friends. I look at him, he looks at me and waves. I wave back and look for my friends. We sit on a bench and talk about our plans together for the summer.
"You guys wanna go to the beach tomorrow?" Asks Devi.
"Of course! I love the beach!" I exclaim with joy.

We continued talking untill school ended, and we all walked to my car. I was giving the girls a ride since we were gonna get ice cream.

When we were at the ice cream shop, I see Ethan, we didint plan on going with him, so I was confused. I saw him... Kissing another girl!

I was furious. I stormed up to him, Devi, El, and Fab behind me, angry as well.
"Ethan! What the hell?!" I snap at him. Startling him. He quickly pulls away from the girl. He looks very upset, like he regretted his decisions.

To be continued .....


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