Zac's Pov

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My name is Zachary Taylor am 26.....i move  to Atlanta 6 years ago from my toxic ass family ( you will learn more about them through out the story )......After i move here i met Karen Mott /Taylor ,we've been together for six years an has been
married for 3 years an lets just say I've been regretting it ever since ...all she care about is the materialistic things that i can do for her .....she dont like to cook ,wash or clean the house etc we don't even have sex on a regular base cause she's never in the mood only when she needs my black card but i still loved her cause she was there for me when i had nothing ...she wasn't the best girlfriend but she helped me out i guess i thought i own her something that's why i married her ... ..... But all that change three months ago after that faithful night

   Flashback to 3 months ago

Zac : Baby

Karen : Hey baby

Zac : Am hungry baby what you cook

Karen : I told you to bring pizza or chinese

Zac : What the hell Karen I've been eating that for the past month when was the last day i eat a nice home cooked meal from my wife

Karen : Look i don't have time for this ,i gotta go shopping with my girls

Zac : That's all you fucking do ,shop like you make money around here

Karen : Your a millionaire why do i need to work

Zac : Whatever Karen.....he walked off

Karen : Where are you going ?

Zac : to get some food since you dont care about me

Karen : I need some money

Zac : I don't have any money

Karen : What the fuck you mean you don't have any money

Zac : Just what i fucking said ,all you want is money an your ass lazy why kind of fucking wife are you

Karen : Fuck you zac you think i can't find another nigga that will spend all his money on me

Zac : I don't have time for this

* Zac leave out to this car an karen ran behind him an hop in the passengers side of the car

Zac : Get out karen

Karen : Put me out

* Zac put the car in drive an drove off the car ride was silent for a while until karen started again

Karen : So you really not giving me the money

Zac : You need to go work and see how hard it is to make money

Karen : What the fuck is that supposed to mean Zachary i made you who you are right now

Zac : You didn't made me karen i work my ass to get here after all the shit you said to me i still made it

Karen : So i never help you

Zac : Why did i get married ?

* Karen slap him causing him to loose control of the vehicle ...that was the day his life change for the worst

Karen didn't have much injuries all she had was a few scratches about her body ....but Zac on the other hand lost his sight and has be paralyzed who now lives in a wheel chair unable to do anything for him self

     Back to the present

   |  The Taylor's Home |

Zac : Karen

Karen : What is it?

Zac : I wanna use the bathroom

Karen : Then go

Zac : How karen you know i can't walk nor see

Karen : Then get a maid

Zac : What's going on baby you be treating me differently ever since the accident

Karen : I'm tired of being your maid am your wife not your slave

Zac : Baby that's not fair

Karen : Look I'll get you a maid

Zac : Okay baby fine ill take a maid

* Karen help him to the bathroom and got him clean up cause his doctor is coming for his daily check up

. two hours later

Dr Aaron : Good morning zac

Zac : Hey doc

Dr Aaron : Okay lets see how your doing

* He checked his vitals and they were all good except for him getting the news he so badly wanted

Zac : Talk to me doc is everything okay

Dr Aaron : Am afraid not your sight remains the same and there is no change of you walking again

Zac : " Sighs"  Thanks doc ....crying

Karen : Ill walked you out ,ill be back baby

Zac : Okay


Karen : You did great baby

Dr Aaron : what if he or his family ask for another doctor

Karen : Don't worry i have power of attorney so am the only one making the decisions ...besides you said six more months and his sight will be gone permanently

Dr Aaron : Yes

Karen : Good we got nothing to worry about

Dr Aaron : This will all be ours

Karen : And our baby

Dr Aaron : You pregnant

Karen : Yes two months

Dr Aaron : I love you

Karen : I love you too .

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