It's Not Just A Phase

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Austin Theory paused from bopping to the beat of his own theme song playing in his head to take another selfie. Something about this hotel lobby's lighting made his selfies look even better.

Monday Night Raw was slated to begin later in the evening. Various wrestlers and officials were milling about, preparing to head to the arena. Theory needed to get his gear, his Money in the Bank Briefcase, and various other things from his hotel room before he made his way to the arena himself. But first, another selfie! He brought the camera up again.


Theory sighed and turned toward the puny voice that called his name. Rey Mysterio stormed to him, splitting the sea of humanity as he hastily adjusted his red and black mask. "¿... Si, Jefe?"

"Where is my son? Where is Dominik?" Rey demanded, ignoring the petty insult of his honorific and pulling himself up to his full height. Rey Rey wasn't the biggest WWE Superstar, but his presence made himself seem bigger than he was. "He isn't in his hotel room!"

"Why do you think I know where he is?" Theory replied, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice as he slipped his cellphone back into his pocket. He wasn't about to give Rey an opportunity to lunge for it.

"Because you're his friend and he tells you everything!"

Theory was one of the few friends Rey allowed his son Dominik Mysterio to have on the main roster. He figured it was for appearance's sake. We couldn't have the world's greatest luchador known as the world's most overbearing parent, you know?

When Rey was in papa bear mode, Dom would sneak out somewhere to get a bit of a reprieve from his dad's overbearing nature. He'd let Theory know where he was, usually by text, in case Theory had to warn him about Rey was out looking for him so he could slip back into his room or make up a reasonable excuse.

"The Judgment Day have been after me and Dominik for months, Theory," Rey continued, breaking into Theory's thoughts. "They could have taken him!"

"They escalated to kidnapping now? That's a new one," Theory snorted. "Maybe you've missed one too many 619s."

Rey had become quite the helicopter parent with Judgment Day circling, looking like they wanted to recruit Dom into their ranks. Then there was Rhea Ripley, Judgment Day's Eradicator, who seemed to be very interested in the younger Mysterio for reasons only known to herself. She also scared the hell out of Theory. Maybe she's the reason Rey Rey looked like he was about to tear the hotel apart looking for Dominik.

"I'm not asking you again Theory," Ignoring Theory's barbed reply Rey bumped his chest against Theory's muscled stomach, "Where. Is. My. Son?"

"I said I don't know!" Theory genuinely didn't know. Dom hadn't texted him this time, and maybe it was for the best. Rey was ready to spit fire.

"If you're lying to me..."

"Damn it, Rey! Maybe try texting him like a normal parent. See where that gets you." Theory smirked. "But then again, you're not. You're too busy fretting over your poor little boy being corrupted by The Judgment Day and having him tarnish your perfect image, right?

Rey suddenly lunged at Theory, and the Money in the Bank winner found himself slammed into a nearby wall. Shaking off the shock, Theory pushed back with all his might, sending Rey away from him and creating some space. He wasn't about to let the helicopter parent get the best of him. A group of refs who were walking by jumped in and pulled the snarling pair apart.

"Tell me where Dominik is!" Rey yelled over the ref's shoulders, who were trying to keep him away from Theory.

"Are you deaf? I said I don't know!"

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