Why are you this way?

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  I was just playing LoZ on my N64 when a Gerard Way knockoff-asshole started coming my way. "Oh, fuck, I'm gonna die." I whispered under my breath and quickly saved my game before he, predictably, unplugged my N64.

"Hey, ya fucking elf twink." He grabbed my hair and kicked me in the stomach. He started laughing and I simply rolled my eyes, trying to not show him that I was upset.

"Omigawsh, that is the most original insult I've ever heard about me, how did you ever come up with that?" I knew it was gonna piss Jeff off, but we'd been childhood friends and I knew he'd never truly want to hurt me. Yeah, he might kick sometimes, (like this one,) but he wasn't gonna break my bones or anything drastic like that.

"I fucking hate you." He snickered, pushing me off the couch and onto the ground; stepping on my chest as to prevent me from getting up.

"Aww, love you too, babe!" I said in my best Nina impression/annoying pick me girl from a late 80's/early 90's movie. He slapped me across the face, which I was definitely not expecting from Jeffery Woods, and he threw me halfway across the room. Shit just got real.

"Are you tryina call me gay?" Nah I could tell just by the way he cuffed his jeans he was bisexual, let alone his search history. Who else searches for both Winona Ryder and Amy Addamsand Ryan Reanolds?

"Bye bitches." I said and made my way into the nearby TV. "CANT FUCKING STOP ME BITCH!" I flipped him off and ran. I know I act all tough and shit but I don't know, Jeff acting like that is really getting to me. I exited in the living room, and as soon as Liu saw my bruises he, almost automatically, said:

"Sorry about my brother, he's a little prick. Need ice?" Liu was sweet. He was currently cuddling E.J. and re-reading the Bible.

"No, I'm fine, but thank you." He nodded empathetically and promised to talk to his brother. Once again, almost automatically. Poor guy. Didn't stop me from lying to him though, as I did need ice. What can I say? I didn't wanna make Liu feel bad. He thinks everything his brother does is his fault, you thought I was gonna put that on him? Hell no! I left the living room and trekked through the long hallways of the four-story mansion to the kitchen. I wrapped a plastic sandwich baggie of ice in a paper towel, then put it on my cheek. The side of my head was now throbbing, and I was lost in thought. How could Jeff do this? Why would Jeff do this? I rubbed my head with my free hand and took some tylenol, although I'm pretty sure my headache was just from stress. I soon heard distant yelling and screaming. "I guess Liu is talking to Jeff like he promised..." I said aloud to myself as Jeffery screamed from a distance. Who the fuck was I kidding. He always does this. He always acts like this. He always, constantly pulls this shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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