Chapter 1

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It was a normal day in the Empire. The weather was nice. A slight breeze. The markets were making money and people were just enjoying their day.

Merchant: Stop that man!

Y/n: Haha!

That was until a young man could be seen running away from a stall with his arms being full of jewelry.

Merchant: Someone help!

The merchant gave chase and for his old age he was surprisingly fast. The young man continued to giggle as he ran from the merchant. He would take an immediate right turn down an alley and would jump over a fence. Some jewelry falling from his hands as he landed. The merchant slammed against the fence as he tried to climb over it.

Y/n: Cya chum!

He would continue to run as he laughed. Once he got to the end of the alley he'd look behind him and see the old man sitting against the wall silently crying. He'd look between the jewelry and the old man and sigh. He'd walk back towards the old man and would kick a rock at the fence, catching the merchants attention.

Y/n: Here, take your jewelery back.

He would set the jewelry on the ground as he would reach in his back pocket.

Merchant: Wait, you're giving my jewelery back?

Y/n: Yeah. I'm a thief sure. But, I'm still human...

In quick succession he would aim his revolver he got from his back pocket and aim it at the old man's head.

Y/n: And and that still means I'm greedy!

He'd gain a sadistic grin as he shot the man right in the head. His body dropped to the ground. Blood would start to pool around the area as the sound of people running could be heard. Y/n would pick the jewelery up and stuff it into his pockets.

Y/n: He should've just went back to his stall. I hate it when people cry...

He'd walk out of the alley as he whistled and spun his revolver in his hand. His eyes were closed as he walked and whistled.

Y/n: It pays to be a criminal...

As he was walking he could hear people surround him. He stopped smiling as he opened his eyes and looked around him. There were at least ten guard surrounding him. All of them had their weapons drawn and pointed at him.

Guard1: Y/n L/n! You are under arrest for murder, theft, attempted kidnapping-

Y/n: Key word being attempted!

Guard1: Shut it! Breaking and entering, trespassing on sacred grounds, public intoxication, and public indecency. You are to come with us or we will be forced to use force!

Y/n: Tell you what. If you all let me go right now, I'll leave all your wives alone. How bout that?

Guard4: You wouldn't dare touch our wives!

Y/n: I'd do much more than just touch!

Guard4: Rraaahhh!

He'd charge forward, his spear directly pointed at Y/n's chest.

Guard1: Wait, stop!

It was too late. The guard had pierced Y/n's chest, the spear going right through his chest and out of his back. His body would go slack as blood dropped from the spear point. Y/n would start to giggle as it then turned it to full out maniacal laughter. He'd looked up at the guard and would pull the spear into himself more. The guard was shocked as he saw this happen. He'd let go of the spear as Y/n continued to laugh like a maniac and he'd punch the spear, breaking it. He'd pull the rest of the spear oud from his back and would drop it on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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