My little love 4

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Emilia sat in the dining room with her sister inlaw,her husband later came in with the newest news paper.He kissed her forehead before sitting down,"did you know that the duke's daughter Abigail died some weeks ago ?"

Emilia raised her eyebrows in shock,that was weird the girl seemed perfectly fine at the ball even if she never really spoke to her. She did sense some tension between her and Theresia.

That's sad"she commented rubbing butter on her oat bread then placing some cheese slices on it, "are you free today ?" She asked hopefully,her husband was always busy these days in court.

She doesn't even remember the last time they really spent time together,he smiled"just for you" she jumped in her seat which excitement making her sister in law chuckle,"you loverbirds disgust me" Jason laughed at his sister's honesty

When they were done eating Emilia dragged her husband outside ,she didn't have anything in mind for them to do so they went on a walk in their backyard.

She leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked under the tree covered in snow,he held her arm closer because he wanted her to be comfortable on him.

Meanwhile these two royal couple were ignoring eachother,Theresia busied herself with farming and helping the poorest children health care ,she knew some of those kids were going to die.

It was a tough pill to swallow when she realized no amouth of medicine could healt them,but what she can do for them is let them leave this world happily.

Everytime she visited she would bring delicious snacks they have never tried, gosh she even threw a mini ball for the kids because they always wanted to be princesses or princes

The second week she was there that was when she knew that donating her life savings yo this hospital where worth it. Winsley at first wasn't really sure because of her plans of leaving the Prince.

But she knew that plan was impossible,also they needed it more than her .

Theresia got invited to a meeting with some organization about children's healthe care and discrimination against children of lower class.
The founders realized that she really cared about those children,and they have been trying to find someone with a great title to help them.

When they found out a Princess was the first one to actually do something they had to get in contact with her.

The first meeting wasn't long but the meetings after that were almost a day because they were trying to figure out how to use her influence what they had to keep in mind is that her power was nothing compared to a prince.

There were yimes when Theresia wanted to ask for Samuel's help but for some reason she just couldn't talk to him without getting pissed of.Then she distracts herself by going outside and riding her new horse.

That has been her new favourite activity of the day,she would ride until she felt tired whuch normally took long but lately that changed.
Her body would easily get tired after one round then she would feel lazy.

It got worser after a week she would feel nauseous riding the horse making her take many breaks which was unlike her,"Is everything right ,your Highnes ?"She could hear winsley from the side shouting looking at her in concern

She waved him off nodding her head knowing deep down she wasn't but it was probably just because her period was around the corner. The thought of it made her feel like throwing up.

Theresia continued riding her horse further into the opened field until she couldn't she jumped off running to the nearest bush and throwing up her breakfast + lunch.
And she even had her favourite for lunch,she groanned to herself for being a baby about after feeling the tears stinging her eyes.

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