Часть 1

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In the office, a gray-haired man sat in front of the monitor and carefully studied the program code. He was tired and a little surprised. What he discovered in the course of researching the operation of the software discouraged him. He dialed someone and, hearing how they picked up the phone on the other end of the line, he said:

Hello Sasha...

Yes, Efim Yegorovich.

Sorry it's so late.

Everything is fine. Are you still at work? Third hour of the night.

Sasha, drive up tomorrow at eight o'clock, I found a segment in the Alpha code and I know for sure - it is not ours.

In terms of?

I mean, I can't explain where Alpha's new block of code came from.


I've been waiting since tomorrow morning.... I've never seen such an anomaly.

All right, Yegorych, I will.

Yes, but for now I'll go for tea and cigarettes.


And they hung up.

"This is not our code, but then whose?" - the professor asked himself and, after thinking for a minute, went to the exit from the building to the convenience store. He left the building and walked towards the crossroads. When he started to cross the road, someone called his cell phone, at that moment he, not paying attention to the road, took the phone and at that moment he was hit by a silent electric car ....

Alexander woke up at half past six, put himself in order and sat down to breakfast. There was an information flow in the news and at the end they showed the news of the state of emergency. The announcer was talking about what happened yesterday. At the moment when they showed the scene, Sasha tilted his head to the phone and did not pay attention to the TV screen, where the announcer said about the incident at night, the old man who was hit. "The drunk was shot down again," thought Sasha. He finished breakfast, got dressed and left the house, jumped in the car and drove to the office.

"I'm in time," looking at the clock, he thought, "I'll get home in half an hour, the meeting is at 8.00".

Approaching the office, he drove into the parking lot on the other side of the intersection, where his head died, and did not see police cars and ambulances.

Leaving the elevator, he went into Efim Yegorovich's office, but the office was closed and there was no one there. Strange, it didn't look like him. Sasha called, but the receiver was disconnected. At that moment, he received a call from the receptionist:

Sash, go to the authorities, - said the secretary.

Ok, I'm going.

He took the elevator up and thought everyone was already there. Entering the reception room, he realized from the eyes of the secretary that something had happened.

Everyone is waiting for you.

All? he wondered.

Sveta pointed to her shoulder, this sign told among their team that the whole set was in the office, from the company's specialists to the representative of the customer and the special services. Sasha opened the door to the office and went in. He knew very few of those present, but the people were all adults, about eight people.

Here is Yefim Yegorovich's deputy, Alexander Korostylev.

Good morning! - Alexander wanted to smile, but failed.

Sash, Efim Yegorovich died at night, was hit by a car, - said the director of the institute, - We need to talk with representatives of the customer and representatives of the FSB.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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