Pain of love

36 6 2

" One day I will die without saying my beloved person good bye"

(Author's proof)

Two people were walking and talking about

Forest guard-in morning..this forest seems so pretty and beautiful..but at night it becomes more scary..


Forest guard-you didn't know child..cause you are new here..I also leave this place after 6 in the evening..
I have heard news..that a psycho is killing people..
Actually he is not a psycho he is a serial killer who kills people for his anger issues..

Y/n-if you know that he is a serial killer then..why didn't you give him to the police..?

Forest guard-its not that easy dear..

Y/n-its not easy..what the hell is the police doing..? Even if they know about this killer or not..didn't you inform them..?

Forest guard- I did my child..


Forest guard-they didn't believe me until they found 29 dead bodies..
And some bodies were separated into two pieces..while others..only a knife grab In their chest..
No one knows who is and why he is doing this..
But I heard that a psycho or serial killer kills people to reduce their anger..

Y/n-it's not necessary..

Forest guard-No one can catch him he is very dangerous..i know you wouldn't believe but it's true..

Y/n hummed in response..

Forest guard-lets go..y/n it's
5 in the evening..


They both came from there..

Y/n..who got transferred from Busan to Seoul for her personal work..
And also working at a cafe..
Whenever she feels lonely or gets time after her work she always goes to walk to that forest and feels the dark nature..

After some day..

At cafe..

A black masked and blacked suit person came.. his black hairs were coming to his eyes..and he looked so mysterious and creepy..y/n ignored it and went to him..and asked..

Y/n-what do you want to order sir..

?? Looked at her and he lost in her beauty..she was looking he wants her till his death..

??-can I take you..


??-I'm kidding..


??-one black tea..

Y/n said yes to him and went from there..
Unknowingly he was staring at her every move..

While she came to him..he again lost in his beauty and asked..

??-may I know your name miss..?

Y/n-I'm rosie..umm park rosie..

??-that suits you..I'm taehyung..Kim taehyung..

They both passed a sweet smile and y/n went from there..taehyung also left the cafe..

At forest..

Taehyung dragged someone and beat him..cause that man had seen him..while he was killing someone and taehyung became angry and he also killed that person..but unknown to taehyung someone was watching him..

PAIN Of LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now