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Walking inside the building, Simon notices that he's now inside a bar. Striding further into the bar, he notices a computer that has been turned on.

Enter a username

Enter a password

Simon was confused. He couldn't think of any possible combinations to be able to log in to the computer.

He kissed his teeth in thought, and then it came up. He could use the words that he had discovered on those pieces of paper!

Simon put in the user and password



He was logged into the computer. 'What a coincidence', Simon thought. The screen showed an untitled document that said,

Jill - 1932! - David

While Simon was examining the device and remebering the four numbers, a door creaked.

Simon ripped his attention from the computer to whatever that sound came from. So, he got up and slowly walked out of the room and saw a silhouette of a person right outside of the window.

Simon ran up to the window as the mysterious figure ran off into another direction. He wanted to see who it was so Simon sprinted out of the building to find nothing there.

He looked around, head whipping back and forth. Might as well consider he have himself whiplash trying to find out who that someone or something was.

Giving up on finding this person, Simon walks back to where he came from to attempt to open the door with the padlock attached to it.


Finding the door, Simon inputs the code to the lock.


The lock fell off the door handle, and Simon opened the door.
On the other side of the door was another hallway with a few flights of steps leading down.

Walking with caution, Simon slowly turns corners until he is back outside.
Inhaling and exhaling, Simon walks up to a door that won't open.

"What the -"a beep cuts him off. Simon pulls out his phone and sees a message from an unknown number.


Look to the right.

Doing what the text said to do, Simon peers over to the right and sees a slightly open door. He walks over, opens it, and trudged past the door and steps into an empty hallway.

What Simon doesn't notice is a figure stalking him through a crack in a door.

Simon stops and looks at the floor in shock. 'Is that... blood...on the floor? Christ. It looks like it. What's going on? How the fuck did I even get here?'

Behind the door the stalker hid picking up a hammer and slamming the door off its hinges.

Simon turns around in panic and falls to the ground with a grunt, and looks up at the disgusting creature right above him.

Kicking the creature off of him, Simon whips out his switchblade and starts attacking the monster.
The monster ended up getting a few hits on Simon.

With a groan, Simon made his last few hit on the monster. The monster falls right at his feet. "What the hell! Who was he?" Simon quickly questioned himself.

Not that he knew anything, only adjusting to what had occurred a few seconds ago.

"I've got to call the police." Simon turns around to avoid looking at the scene in front of him. He tried calling for help, but nothing happened. Frustrated, Simon's turns around, "Damn it, no signal." He grumbles.

Letting out a sigh, Simon looks up to see where the monster had come from. At the end of the short hallway seemed to be a ladder.

On his way to the end, Simon finds a syringe on the dirty floor. Despite not knowing what's inside, he keeps it in his bag and continues to go down the ladder.

Cry of Fear (Simon Henriksson x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now