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It's starting off like any other boring day, like super boring, I'm doing my last year of senior year then freedom at last.My life not that interesting, My name is Sofia...Zofia Kensington, according to my parents I was adopted from Haiti after a huge storm hit my parents village.So instead of being with my actual parents on a tropical beach in Haiti, I'm stuck with country folk in New York.We moved a couple of times here and there mainly around Texas where my adoptive parents of from.I always got these weird looks from people when they see me a kinky haired Haitian with country folk parents. It gets really interesting during family reunions you know.That is my life just boring,simple and plain......or so I thought.

"Hey Zofia!!"

My best friend and the baddest b on the block, Higa ran over to my desk and pulled a chair and sat right next to me.She had beautiful ginger hair she just like me was an orphan adopted by American parents. She doesn't know where her family comes from and it bugs her all the time.

"Hey Higa!"

I said back to her although she is usually very cheerful and happy even if she does wear cargo pants and dresses like she belongs in a mob. Today she was more sad then usual, she started fidgeting with her fingers so I asked....

"Is everything alright Higa?"

"What?Oh yeah,yeah just tired....I guess"

She tried to hide how she felt but couldn't but I didn't want to press anymore...when low and behold the biggest pain in my ass walked into the room

"Heyyyyy boyyyss"

It was the one person I couldn't stand in this planet, Rebekah she really thought she ate it, God how I hate that witch. She's such a pick me girl, pick me this pick me that, she's always around boys wanting their attention, she's everything I dislike and don't aspire to be.Miss girl left a whole loaf of bread and all the crumbs behind with this one cause Ew that face needs construction on it.And those eyebrows need a damn parking ticket cause no they are not doing it for me.

"Ignore her"

Higa told me,So I did even tho I secretly wanted to throw my book at her for violating my eyes with her ugly face.

"So you free tonight?"

Higa asked while fidgeting with her ring, I was a bit you know surprised at that question, cause normally she knows I'm not free on a Tuesday, my parents always go to some random charity auctions to be seen as good people tsk, fakery at its finest. But honestly good at least I can stay at home alone and not be bothered by them, netflix and chill here I come.

"Nah sadly not, you know my parents always go out on Tuesdays for their charity stuff so I pretty much got the house to myself"

"Little miss independent at 18 I see" ~ Higa added

She was right tho, I am 18 I should be able to do what I like and not be ruled by my parents all the time. A little independence never hurt nobody.


Oh FINALLY! Class is finally over and guess what! So is this boring ass day, finally I can go home and sleeeeepp. It's already like what? Oh shit I'm gona be late home. I don't think I ever walked that fast in my life as when I saw it was already 7 p.m. I didn't even say bye to Higa, I just ran out that door like it's nobody's business.


A text from mom?Ah shit what is it now? Oh? they already left and won't be back untill 12 p.m? Oh hellll yeaaahh, that means Pizza night. I'll definitely be watching the news. The whole of New York is buzzing about the mysterious mad man on the loose, they say he's impossible to find, his victims all marked with the same mark. Gives me the goosebumps no psycho dude is gona get me not today, I'm Gona throw hands.

I stoped by the park I never noticed how quiet things were lately, usually the park is bustling with people, but I think ever since the last victim of the New York Joker was found headless in the nearby pond people avoid this park like hell. I decided to walk on taking note of things around me, but the more I walked the weirder it felt like I'm being watched or something. I probably must be hallucinating or something there's no way that I'M being followed like common  that only happens in TV shows. I ignored that feeling and kept walking....


Another message? Must be from mom again tsk what a woman.....

"I see you"

HUH?!TF is this?! I looked around me clutching my back, I ain't never seen this number oh hell nah I'm not about to answer this. I deleted that message and kept walking on....


Oh please, please please don't be the same number again.....I started having short breaths, what is this? Is this a joke? Why am I so paranoid? I could feel the sweat comin off my brows, I took the phone out again and saw that the same number sent me a photo I opened it....IT WAS ME?! I looked around in pure terror but saw nobody. I was scared for my life someone is taking photos of me but I can't see them, oh hell nah not today.

I started running when a black van started driving after me, I ran as fast as my legs would get me, I was so terrified that I didn't even notice the place I was running to it was only when I got there I realised I took a wrong turn....shit!

Okay Zofia you got this just find a place to hide, I was surrounded by empty warehouses with boxes outside and a parking lot, I ran behind the huge boxes to hide from wherever that was.


My phone went of again, with the same number

"Come out, come out, you don't want to make me angry now, I just want to play"

Oh nah, why, why me I started breathing rapidly, I could feel myself crying tears rolling down my face I don't want to die, I don't want to die oh please don't let me die, please not today, please....


SHIT!I can hear the footsteps approaching me, I took my phone left my bag and made a run for it I didn't care if he saw me I needed to run as far away as I could. Soon he ran after me, he was impossibly fast, he went back and got into his van and drove after me, I ran and ran and finally I found a small opening and ran towards it, It was a crack in the wall fit enough for two people to hide in. I ran and hid behind it hoping the boxes and curtains would cover me. I hid in there and waited and listened,

"RAGHHH! I will find you pretty, oh yes just you wait....I...will...find...you"

It got quiet really quickly, when I realised that he was driving in the other direction I breathed out slowly I turned my head and


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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