The Secrets of 4 Seconds of Summer (4SoS)

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Molly has an addiction for shopping til she drops. You better hope you gave her a limit on how much money to use cause if you don't, she will use it ALL up.(Molly is my friend Talia. I don't know for sure if this prolem is true or not.)

Lilly has a problem with her arm at points which makes it to where she is unable to play any instroments.(Lilly is my friend Lacee. This is NOT a real problem. It;s just part of the story.)

Lexi has a problem with being kinda mean sometimes but when she's with people she's really good friends with, the problem disappears.(Lexi is my friend Bella. This is a true problem. Sorry to say it.)

Nicole has a problem with cutting just like Ashton did before he was famous. She is a really strong yet soft girl though. She can be fun and hyper or she can be shy and non talkative. (Nicole is supposed to be me. Also, to tell the truth I do NOT cut. It's just part of the story)

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