When Pigs Fly!

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James was running after Lily Evans, pleading with her.

" Come on, just one date, please?" he begged, tugging at her jacket sleeve. She whirled around, face set in annoyance.

" And why exactly do you want to go out with me? You've teased me since we were eleven!"

" Because you're hot." he said bluntly. She rolled her eyes and stomped away, huffing.

" I'll go out with you when pigs fly!" she called as she entered the castle.

James turned around to face his best friend, Sirius, who was watching sympathetically.

" What did I say?" he asked sadly. Sirius shook his head.

" I dunno, mate. Girls!" James frowned. He could have any girl in the year, yet he chose Lily Evans. What was wrong with him? He just had to have her, even though it made him look like a conceited pig.... Wait! Pigs? She said when pigs fly... An idea formed in his head.

" Sirius?"


" Do you know how to transfigure a chair into, lets say, a pig? You were always better at it then I am."

" Well, I think so. Not sure. Why?"

" Lets go to the dormitory, I'll explain it to you there."

In the dormitory, Sirius was trying to turn a chair, unsuccessfully, into a pig. James was pacing up and down, cursing.

" Hurry up! The Hogsmeade trip is about to start!" he said, raking his hand through his hair.

" I'm trying, I'm trying.." Sirius muttered, waved his wand, and suddenly there was a piglet sitting in front of them. James bundled it up in his cloak with an indignant squeal, and ran downstairs , with Sirius close behind him.

Lily was standing in the courtyard with a bunch of other students, waiting for permission to go. She was wondering where Severus was, but decided not to make too much of it. He probably wanted to stay. Suddenly, Sirius and that insufferable James Potter came bursting through the doors, laughing.

" Hey Evans! Watch this!" Lily sighed and turned around. He was probably going to do some silly stunt to get her to like him. Her eyes widened. Were they really holding a real life... pig?

" Wingardium Leviosa!" James yelled, pointing his wand at the pig. The pig rose high in the air, snorted, and went zooming around the courtyard, with James' wand's help. The students laughed and screamed.

James grinned at her.

" Lily? Remember your promise?" Much to Lily's surprise, she laughed. She had sworn to dislike James forever more, but he did all that... just for her? It made her feel warm inside.

" Fine, Potter. Just one date, mind you!" she stalked away, secretly smiling to herself.

James was triumphant.

" We did it, Sirius! We finally did it!" he clapped his friend's back.

" Yes, yes, hurrah, hurrah, whatever. I'm happy for you, mate. " Sirius said, clapping his friend back.

" But I need the pig for a very important cause..." Sirius whispered discreetly into his friends ear. James smiled.

" And what would that very important cause be...?"

" I'm going to sneak it into the Slytherin dormitory!" They convulsed with silent laughter.

Severus glowered over ahead, thinking about the recent events he had just seen... and what it meant for his relationship with Lily.

Woop Woop! First one shot done! I'm Kat by the way.

Peace, fangirls and fanboys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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