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Climbing down the ladder, Simon doesn't expect the floor to be flooded.

With a scrunched nose from water getting in his shoes, Simon keeps walking, pulling out his phone, turning on the flash so he can see. When he does, another monster can be seen at the end of the hall.

Simon rushes to kill the monster before it can land a hit in him. The monster growls at Simon and pounces towards him but fails as Simon is repeatedly stabbing and slicing the monster to its death.

Falling into the water, Simon steps over the corpse and continues walking. Turning a corner, Simon spots another monster.

Before Simon can react, the monster speeds over to Simon, swinging its hammer at him. Simon gets hit and pulls out his blade again, and attacks the monster.

Once he kills the monster, he rushes up to the ladder at the end of the flooded hallway.

Rushing up the ladder, Simon is led to a door. He pushes himself up and opens the door. Simon is pretty exhausted at this point, but he keeps pushing forward.

The hum of a fan can be heard as Simon walks into the intersection of the walkway.

When he does make it to the center, he hears a grumble of a monster.
Simon snaps his head towards the monster as it's running towards him at full speed.

Simon hurls himself at the monster and stabs it countless times, and as he's doing so, another monster sneaks up on him and attacks Simon.

Simon gasps in pain as he now knows that he has to deal with another problem and kills the first one with one swift slice.

Turning around to face the other monster that attacked him from behind, Simon glares at the hideous monster and charges at him, hiting him a couple of times before the monster falls to the ground.

Grunting in pain, Simon doesn't know how to relieve himself from the aching pains in his body.

He thinks back to when he grabbed a syringe off the ground. Thinking it would be a good idea to use it now, Simon reaches into his bag, grabs the needle, and examines it.

The liquid inside of it is clear, with no label on it. 'Looks like morphine. This is strong stuff, so I'd better be careful with it.' Simon rolls up the sleeve of his sweater and hisses in pain as he injects the morphine into his arm.

A few seconds go by, Simon feels numb, and then the pain goes away.

Sighing in relief that the pain went away, he kept walking. Simon eventually was led into an intersection that had only one way out because the other "hallways" were dead ends.
Looking at the ground, he found another syringe that he had placed in his bag.
He continued walking towards his way out until a monster jumped out and charged at Simon.

Simon yelped as the monster hauled itself towards him.
Simon pounced at the monster and killed it, huffing and puffing from the sudden scare.

Calming down, Simon walked with caution into the flooded hallway and perked up at the sight of a lever. He walks up to it and pulls it down.
He hears something creak and goes to find out what had opened.

Turns out it was one of the dead ends. The wall must've moved out of the way because, at the end of the hallway, it stood a door. Simon looked behind him for any more enemies. Finding nothing, he walks up to the door and opens it.

Simon walks through the door and is met with cold air to his face. Shuddering at the sudden cold, his phone goes off again, and he looks at the message. It's from the same number.


Help me!! Please help!! They are coming! I'm inside the apartments, hurry!

'Strange,' Simon pondered. How would the unknown person know he was by the apartments? He shakes off the thought and looks up.

There was scaffolding leading up to one of the complexes doors. Simon walks up the scaffolding and jumps up to the second set of wooden planks.

Simon grunts as he pulls himself up to the third set. Pushing forward to be met with a ladder.

He climbs the ladder and jumps off onto the fourth set of planks. which ends up leaving him at a set of doors.

Simon jumps onto the balcony to land right in front of the door and pushes it open.

Cry of Fear (Simon Henriksson x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now