Michswle aftonds

15 1 4

Michael was standing in the desolate, moist, and dimly lit pizzeria...The night shift again.

"This is just great" Michael thinks to himself "getting almost killed by animatronics for minimum wage while simultaneously trying to undo the trauma my father inflicted on me, my siblings, and countless other innocent children..." 

Michael sighs as he walks into his office which was littered with trash, security cameras, and possibly blood...but the company wouldn't confirm that. 

Michael sadly plops down into his dingy almost broken office chair, the chair makes a loud crack and the security camera flickering on with an awful static sound, the picture displayed is distorted and warped but it kept him safe for the past four nights and thats all that mattered to him.

The night started out the same as any, the animatronics slowly crept their way off stage with the metal softly squeaking from the unlubricated springs that was held within their endoskeleton and possibly a human body. 

The ambiance of Chica chowing down on leftover moldy food in the kitchen per usual and bonnie standing ominously at the end of the hall to the left, were all things that unnerved Michael when he first started working as the night guard at Freddy fazbears Pizzaria, but now, these things are like second nature to him, every move, every look, and every second, Michael could anticipate exactly what these big clunky hunks of metal were going to do.

Just like every night that came before this one, Chica stomped her way down the dim hallway and peeking into the window on Michaels right, and Michael calmly shuts the door as Chica stares blankly at the now closed door. There was always something off about the animatronics, something a bit to human...something a bit more sinister... but that was just a figment of Michaels imagination, right? animatronics weren't sentient and they sure as heck weren't actually sinister and possessed creatures actually out to hunt and kill him...or at least that's what he told himself so he could sleep at night.

And just like every night bonnie walked down the hall... and peeked in the window, and Michael simply shut the door...but suddenly Michael hears a horrible quick pitter patter...like an animatronic running at full speed down the hallway....and then there was banging, not just any banging, but the loudest banging Michael had ever heard in his entire life, the most bone chilling, boot rattling, tupe flinging, banging, he ever heard. Foxy.

The door started to collect dents all over it and the door began to give way. Michael had to act quickly, or he wouldn't survive the night.... Michael quickly scans the office to see a vent above his head...He quickly drags the dingy office chair under the vent and hoists himself into the vent just as the door flies off the hinges and slams into the wall across the room.

Foxy frantically looks around, bloodlust in his eyes, he was out to kill, and so were the others. Michael hides in the vent and slowly begins to back himself further into the vent.

Michael crawls through the vents desperately trying to avoid the animatronics that look for him, and any other unfortunate victims that found their way into the easiest health code violation on planet Earth.

Michael hears some shuffling within the vents, his blood immediately runs cold as he is frozen in place...he hears a deep masculine himbo voice call out 

"hello? Is anyone there?" the mans voice rings out through the vents

"Sh! You'll draw their attention!" Michael frantically whispers in a desperate attempt to save the hopefully still breathing person.

the silence fills the vents...oh great michael probably scared the unknown person into thinking they were going to die, which, they probably were, but michael felt bad letting them know that.

Suddenly, michael feels someone grab his foot, this is the end, michael quietly says his goodbyes to his beloved exotic butters and squeezes his eyes shut tightly...

"dont move" The man say sternly

Michaels eyes snap open, that beautiful sound of another human being, alive, with him, in a terrifying situation....was wonderful

Michael whips his head around despite the man telling him not to move, michael just couldnt stand to wait to see who his knight and non-decapitated armor was. Michaels eyes light up...the beautiful blonde hair, the lowkey kinda ugly police outift, and his beautiful blue eyes staring back at him with a cold unforgiving look...the man was majestic in every sense of the word.

"woah" michael whispers

"shut up before they kill you, i can protect myself, but you look like a traumatized toothpick with daddy issues" the unfamiliar man grunts

michael frowns...he was spot on thats exactly what he was...

"uhm...sorry, whats your name" michael eventually manages to squeak out"

"Leon. Leon S. Kennedy"

"oh...uh r-right, im...im michael, michael afton"

"Right...I heard, youre the son of William afton, the son of the devil himself...why shouldnt i throw you down there with the animatronics and burn this place down?"

Michael didnt have an answer to that...was this man he JUST met really so...rude? I mean, why shouldnt he push leon in with the animatronics and forget about this lousy job and move to the bahamas....oh right, because if Michael had the money to move to the Bahamas and forget about all of this...he would have done it by now.

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