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A/n: y'all's are the sweetest tysm for your guys support and opinions to help me out here 😭🫶.









"CURSE ALL OF YOU GUYS!" Hyo whined.

"That's....12 cards." Chigiri hummed and gave Hyo 12 cards.

"I hate this game." Hyo sighed softly.

"Must suck." Isagi hummed as he was the 2nd person to get rid of all his cards.

"You got this Hyo." Reo laughed and patted his back, he was the first to get rid of all his cards.

Currently the only people still in the game are Hyo, Kurona, Bachira, Chigiri and Nagi.

"Uhhh...red." Hyo said changing the colour.







"How does Nagi get all the pickup cards." Bachira complained.

"This game is cursed." Hyo sighed softly.

"Hey, you were the one who suggested this game." Isagi shrugged.

"...don't remind me." Hyo whined.

And...the losers ended up being Hyo and Nagi.

"What a coincidence, we sat next to each other on the bus as well." Hyo laughed.

They decided to switch it up, if the winner couldn't decide a dare, they set a wheel of dares on Chigiri's phone and they would use that. And so that's what Reo used.

"And so..." Bachira hummed looking at the wheel impatiently.

"Drink hot sauce or hold someone's hand...easy." Bachira shrugged as he read the dares out.

Nagi was quick to take Isagi's hand and Hyo didn't really wanna drink hot sauce so he took Reo's hand.

"Alright then...how long?" Hyo asked.

"A round." Chigiri responded.

"How are we supposed to play with one hand..." Nagi sighed.

"Yeah, they'll also be able to look at their cards." Kurona pointed out.

"Well you guys decided to lose." Rin shrugged.

Somehow, Nagi managed without needing help from Isagi...meanwhile Reo ended up having to help Hyo sort his cards out and which ones he wanted to place.

Kurona was the first to get rid of all his cards, and the 2 losers were Bachira and Hyo again.

"You're not very good at this Hyo." Reo laughed.

"Oh stop...i haven't played Uno in forever." Hyo huffed.

"Alright Kurona, wheel?" Chigiri asked.

"Mm...okay." Kurona nodded.

Bachira nodded and spun the wheel, even though it was Chigiri's phone, Bachira wanted to spin the wheel so Chigiri let him.

"Alright! So, spill a secret you've never told anyone, or let someone go through your phone." Bachira hummed.

"Oh god dammit." Hyo whined.

"...well!" Bachira laughed awkwardly.

"Here Isagi." Hyo said and passed Isagi his phone.

Bachira pulled his phone out and handed it to Hyo. They both didn't find anything interesting or something so they gave their phones back and continued on the game.

This time, Hyo was the first to lose all his cards, he celebrated very loudly. And the losers....Isagi and Reo.

"Alright Hyo, wheel?" Chigiri asked.

"Hmm...can I choose wheel for one? And a dare for the other?" Hyo questioned.

"I don't see why not." Chigiri shrugged.

"Isagi, what happened between you and Kaiser?" Hyo asked.

Isagi froze for a moment before sighing and scratched his nape awkwardly.

"He manipulated me...cheated, you know." Isagi put it short and simple not wanting to go deep into the story.


"Are you...good?" Hyo questioned.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, let's not ruin the mood, let's carry on." Isagi hummed.

Hyo nodded and looked at Bachira to spin the wheel for Reo.

"Okay! Kiss someone anywhere or...tell everyone a secret someone told you recently." Bachira said.

"Uhm..." Reo hummed.

Reo and Hyo shared a glance.

"I'm comfortable don't worry~" Hyo laughed.

"Alright." Reo nodded as he was a bit red from embarrassment and gently kissed Hyo's forehead.

And one more game before they get told to get to sleep...the winner being Kurona again and Hyo and Isagi losing.

"Wheel." Kurona said before Bachira could even say anything.

"Okay~! Spill if you like anyone or, eat a...raw egg...? Wow..." Bachira sweat dropped.

"Okay now-! That almost feels planned." Hyo whined.

"I'd rather eat a raw egg." Isagi sighed

"So you, DO. like someone?" Hyo hummed.

"Do you?" Isagi asked.


"Well uhm..." Hyo sighed.

"I'll take the raw egg." Hyo awkwardly chuckled.

"Don't wanna share with the group." Reo laughed nudging Hyo playfully.

"No way~" Hyo laughed.

"Hm...", Isagi hummed.

Should he?












A/n: wonder what Isagi will say...

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