Part 1 (Jake)

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Love? What is love. God I'm probably the last person to ask that. To me the closest thing to love is my family. My mom, dad and my younger brother. Have I ever been in love? No. And I'm not ever planing on it.  Who fucking needs it if in the end you either hurt yourself or the person you love. So like I said who fucking needs it.

I am siting on the edge of a cliff. I'm not going to jump off but to be honest I have thought about it.

It's like a comforting thought you know, like if something goes wrong or I just feel miserable I know that I can just come here and jump off and the pain and everything else and I will  just be at peace.

So why an I here?

There is this girl Mia and she's been messing with me. not in a literal way but she is always in my head and I don't know why.

But it is all pure hatred for her.

I met her like two weeks ago in my math class. The first time I saw her I thought "yeah she is hot" bu then she sat next to me and opend her mouth and then that thougt disappeared real quick.She was asking me some stupid questions like

Why are you sitting alone?

Why aren't you sitting with your friends?

Do you need help?

Do you even speak english?

God she is so annoying. But today she ignored me because yesterday me and my "friends" locked her in the janitors closet. I thought that it would help her to leave me alone that she would realise I am not a good person and I guess it did because today she didn't even look at me.

I thought that when I locked her there I would feel good even better but all I felt was regret and shame a lot of shame I even wanted to punch myself.

I heard her cry and beg us to let her out but we just walked away.

After like ten minutes all of them left and I said that I would go get my stuff from the school gym but after I saw that they were completly out of my site I ran to the janitor closet to let her go but when I got there the door was open and she was gone.

I feel like a jerk for doing that and I really regret what I did.

But it's not like I like her I just feel bad.

It should be about 4 pm so I should head home. 

My mom works at the hospital and my dad travels a lot for work. My brother is a year younger than me witch makes him 17 . A lot of people say that we look like twins only I look a little bit older. We don't even have the same hair, his hair is dirty blonde while mine are dark brown almost black. Our eyes are the only thing that we have similar. Green, our eyes are green. We get them from our dad. Our mom has dirty blonde hair so Elio gets it from her. I get my looks from my dad.

I still can't get her out of my mind. It's probobly because I just feel bad. 

I get to my car, and think about the next time I'm gonna come here, things goona be different even if it's just 24 hours.

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