That's odd.

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Back to school was never my thing

The only reason why I wanna go back to school is too see my friends, as it always is with everybody nowadays. Nobody is interested in actually learning.

Well to be honest, I am, but the stress that comes with it is a no-go.

I've had a fun summer and now I gotta return to school? Tell me you're joking. Anyways

I jump awake, my heart is beating so fast. I open my eyes to see my idiot sister standing next to me with her phone's speaker against my ear. I guess she woke me up with a stupid mario song, again. I push her drowsily, sit up and rub my eyes.

"It's 6:00 AM. I'm not letting you sleep in this time." She literally has no problem waking up early in the morning, and she apparently has no problem annoying me either.

"Dude, you're not mom."

She rolls her eyes and laughs as if she's the funniest person on earth. Well, all these obnoxious stuff aside, she's my sister and i love her. We have a family dog, Tofu, I love him too. I don't know why i wanted to mention that, but i love my family.

It's my sister's first day in high school, so we agreed that we would walk together so i could show her around a bit. It's my second year, I'm only a year older, but way cooler😎

I brush my teeth, wash my face, eat, dress up and i WAS gonna feed Tofu but my sister beat me to it.

Staring into the mirror, I never really cared much of what my outfits were like, as long as I was comfortable. I can never tell what other people think of me but again, as long as I'm comfortable. It is a bit boring at school though, with nothing interesting except my friends but it's the same old stuff. That doesn't add excitement to my school life.

 That doesn't add excitement to my school life

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Me and my sister start walking to school together. She rants to me about how nervous she is but I'm so tired that I can barely focus on anything she's saying right now. God help me. Why school... at least I'm not working I guess... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz- ah I'm dozing off..


I open my eyes at the bench outside of the school. Did i fall asleep? Did i actually doze off? How poorly did I sleep? Jesus..

My friend approaches me and hits my chest in a very bro way. You know? The way bros greet each other is pretty aggressive, and honestly I right now I think what I need is a warm
blanket not a rough hit to the chest.

"You fell asleep outside of school?" He laughs hysterically and I hit him back in the chest to make him shut up. I stand up and laugh. No matter how much he annoys me, he's still my best friend, the most loyal one.

"Stop. I swear, Carlo." I nudge him and we walk into school. I guess my sister already went since she's a first year. She had to meet her class earlier.

So, my class. We're a pretty small class honestly, and very equally divided in terms of the girls and the boys. Yeah.. I think I get along with everyone, but I'm not that close with anybody though. I've never even had a proper crush before, in my life. Yes you heard me, in my life. Or well, I guess you could say I've had crushes but they've never been a "I wanna marry them" kind of crush. Just more like "oh they're pretty and kind" but I've never had an extreme desire for somebody.

I don't know what love feels like, you know, the feeling in your heart that everyone always talks about. "Love at first sight". Is that even a thing? I've started to believe that I'll never find love, and that's okay, I know that not everybody is lucky enough to have a happy ending, but that's not what's important right now. What's important is that right now I'm in a classroom full of familiar faces, all but two. We have two new students.

Sandro, Alisa, and .... oh... what is this..

Who is she..?

Her hair is so perfect, she must take care of it well

"Y/n." Her voice is so calm too

If i was in bed right now I could fall asleep

Y/n? That's a pretty .... ehem what am i saying? Jaguar it's just a name jeez.

I don't even know her yet. I can't know if she's rude, or nice, or shy, or outgoing

Not that i have a very specific type

Ah she's actually really beautiful

"Jag? hahah" My friend is laughing next to me just staring at me. Wait- how long have I been staring?!

"Jag your head is turned like 60°? What are you staring at? Or.. who.."
Damn. He is so good at teasing. BUT WAIT. MY HEAD HAS BEEN TURNED??

I turn it back to the straightest position known to man. My friend starts laughing even harder.

"What are you a robot?" He nudges me.

My face suddenly feels hot, am i sick or something? It's August, why would i be sick? Should I be worried?

Just a bit of silence between me and Carlo while the teacher talks



Why does he always talk during lessons I swear to god


"You're blushing. Like, really, really blushing."


"No I'm not. I can't blush-"

"I think you have somebody on your mind. Wow.. that's new of you.."

"Huh- what? No. No i don't."

Out of my curiosi- stupidity, I turn my head to glance at her again.

She's just sitting there

Gahhh she's...


get out of your head jaguar.

"What?" My friend is whispering now

"Nothing man."


What is this feeling?

I'm strangely struck by her and she hasn't even spoken any other words other than her own name. I don't know, I think I've just had an absence of human contact.. I guess? Is this just an excuse? JAGUAR GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD MY GOD.

Getting excited over a simple name. Wow. Really low Jaguar.


One thing I know for sure,

this is new.

I don't just look at a girl and think she's the most beautiful, lovesome, venust, charming, fascinating, enchanting, alluri- wha- why are there so many adjectives?! Am.. I... actually finding somebody this appealing right now?


I feel like I have a crush.

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