1. A Memory from The past

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*3rd person view *

A figure is sprinting through a forest. Two other Mysterious figure are behind the first figure who hair is black and white and is in a plain white hospital gown. The black and white figure then in a split sec spots a place to hide, and the figure jukes the other to figures who look like guards.

One of the guard figures say "Where is that brat!" and then the other guard stated "He could not have go far. Let's go that way" The guard point to a area that is far away from the black and white figure. The guards start walking that way, and the figure hiding is composing themself of the situation that just happened.


*Sabre POV*

I wake up in a cold sweat. That memory of me almost getting caught still haunts me. Many things have change since then like my appearance, and I still have not been able to undo the potion effects on me. Though I do want my powers and Steve appearance back I don't know how the others would react.

I am half lightness but I am also half darkness which the Steves don't like. And they know me as Sabre who is not a Steve So telling them I am actually as Steve will not be easy to tell. I Sigh and think to myself, "I should get some fresh air and try to think about this tomorrow" I then get up and start walking to the balcony.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember to hydrated and get some good sleep.

Anyway I hope you have amazing day/night :>

~ Author

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