I - restarting.

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Chloe's POV:

I feel lonely now.
____ just broke up with me. My heart is in a million pieces. I know who I want right now. I run past my room. Past Stacie's room. Past Lilly's room. Past Jessica and Ashley's room. And I stop at her room.

I knock on her door, tears rolling down my face and ruining my mascara. She opens it. Before she has a second to answer, I throw my arms around her neck. It's Beca.

"Woah, dude! You okay?" she asks me, a genuinely concerned look on her face. I tell her everything. "Chloe, you'll get over that jerk soon enough. Stay in my room tonight, I doubt Amy will be back anytime soon." she tells me, and I laugh.

At rehearsals the next day, I'm wearing her hoodie. She grins at me from her seat. "Okay guys, we need to practice our set. 2014 ICCA finals, here we come!" I announce. Beca gets the music ready.

Beca's POV:

"Hey, Beale. Come over here!" I call. Chloe comes over and leans on my desk. "What's up, 'Mitchell'? Need me to judge your edgy music taste?" she asks, playfully. I pat the chair next to me and she sits down. She reaches out for my hair and plays with it while I try to explain how the set will work. "Dude. Seriously, focus." I tell her. "Oh, yeah, sorry." "Thank you! Now, I want the new girl to start this, her first solo. It's, uh, Florencia? Right?" "Yeah, she prefers Flo I think though."

"Great. Flo, ok. Yeah so Flo will start this one and I'm thinking we do some like, mexican wave thing at the end like we did in the 2012 finals- Chloe, you're doing it again." I say. She's distracted by my hair again. I flip it onto my other shoulder and stare at her. "Sorry. Carry on, uh. Yeah. Carry on, Becs." "Becs? Really?" "Yeah, it's a cute nickname!" "Okay, so I can call you Chlo if you call me Becs then." "Okay. That's so sweet!"

Chloe's POV:

We finish rehearsals and go back to the Bellas house. Beca messages the Bella's groupchat.
"Hey, you guys wanna have a sleepover? Aubrey's coming to visit and she wants to have a party in the lounge!" it says. Instantly, the front door opens and we hear Aubrey shout, "I'm here! Come on guys!". I can hear giggles and footsteps outside my room, and Beca bursts through my door. "Dude, get up!" she says, holding her pillow and blankets.

I grab my things and run down the stairs. Aubrey smiles at me and runs over. "Oh my gosh, Chloe! I missed you SOO much!" "Missed you too girl!"

Beca's POV:

"Chlo! Come over here a sec-" I shout. I've got some mix tapes for Chloe to judge, and then we can play them for the sleepover."What's up Mitchell?" she asks me, and I smile. "I have some cool songs for us to play later. Get Aubrey." so Chloe goes over to her and they both come rushing over. "What song Aubrey? Wait, I know. Bruno Mars, Just the way you are!" I say. (authors note - watch the interviews to understand that joke / reference) We laugh, and I hook up to the speakers.

"I was right, Becs." says Chloe, slurring her words. "Wow, you're really drunk!" "No I'm not, Beca. You're just- there's just four of you. Anyway, I was right. We were quick friends. I think we're more though~" she says, grinning and reaching out for my hair. We're on the stairs, and Chloe is swaying really badly. She leans back, and falls. "CHLOE!" I scream, and she hits her head on the railing. I run down the stairs after her, and kneel next to her. "Sh*t, dude. At least you didn't pass out. Don't do that to me!" I say, helping her sit up. She stares straight at me, and those beautiful blue eyes look past everything on the outside. She leans in, then pulls me in for a kiss.

Her lips are actually really soft, but Amy's just seen us kissing. Way to ruin the moment. "Oh my god, Shawshank, what- Chloe? Beca! She's a ginger!" she says. I stand up and give Amy a death stare, then help Chloe up and put my arm around her. "Actually, Amy, Chloe here is very drunk, and I apparently look like ____, who is her boyfriend." which sets her off again. "BECS! YOU KNOW HE BROKE UP WITH ME!" screams Chloe, and she starts crying into my shoulder. "Excuse us Amy, I'm taking her upstairs to her room." I say. I scoop Chloe up and carry her upstairs while she cries into my hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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