Prologue: California May 1996

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She stared at the reflection in the bedroom mirror. What stares back is a 17 year old girl. She is considered beautiful by most standards, her hair deep ebony all the way down to her tiny waist, big blue eyes framed by dark long lashes, lips pouty and pink, her jeans clung to her and her t shirt showed off her ever growing breasts.
She could hear her mum calling from downstairs. She knew she would be late for school, but she didn't care. This was her 4th school in a year, and she didn't want to go to the effort of being the perfect pupil and making friends when she knew her family would be on the move before the summer came.
Her mum was clearing breakfast pots in the kitchen when V finally decided to get to school
" V you're late." her mum always sounded cross it was definitely the British accent, her mum had been born in a village just outside of Surrey, V had been born also in England, schooled there until she was 5 then her parents had moved to the states where her dad was from,
" Mum, I would learn more going hunting with dad than going to school 6 hours a day, "
A look of horror crossed her mums face
" Honestly, what's with this obsession with hunting?" and your father agreed we were not bringing you up as a hunter, "
"But I am still in the life though, moving schools, carrying a gun in my car, devil's trap under rugs, holy water in the kitchen, that's not a normal apple pie life to me, not knowing if dad is going to come home every time he leaves the house"
Her mum passed her a neatly packed lunchbox and kissed her on the forehead, pushing her out the back door. She was used to V and her chargrin over not being allowed to hunt and knew best to let her rant.
V Harper was the only child of Mack Harper and Charlotte Harper. Her mum had been living her best life in the U.S.A. with her girlfriends when she had met Mack in a bar and fell head over heels for him. What followed was a whirlwind romance ending up in marriage, and then V came along, but the Harpers' lives were far from normal, Mack was a hunter, came from a long line of hunters, his dad, his dad before him and so on, the hunter of the Supernatural, Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, ghouls, demons you name it her dad hunted it, knowing that creatures which most people only saw in movies and books was real and walking among us blew Vs mind her parents had tried to keep it from her but V was a inquisitive child and had learned from the age of 7 that the monsters who hide under the bed are real and her dads job was to kill them, her parents were adamant she was not to follow in her fathers footsteps but her dad had gave her basic training in case she needed it, she could shoot a gun just about, handle a knife, pick a lock, the low level stuff,she hadn't needed to use these skills yet, her dad had so far managed to keep evil from there door. But every day, her mum lived in fear of her husband not returning or of a vengeful monster seeking revenge, so it was agreed the hunt her father was now on would be his last, V knew deep down her dad could not stop, it was in his veins its what he did and he was the best.

V pulled her bright yellow VW beetle into the school parking lot, and the bell had rang signalling the start of the school day. A few stragglers we're running into various doors hoping to make first period.
V started to make her way up the steps when a loud rumbling noise caught her attention. She looked around to see the most beautiful boy stepping out of what she thought was a 67 Impala. The car was immaculate and stood out, but the boy who got out literally took her breath away. She was aware he was walking towards her, so she carried on as if she hadn't just been staring and made her way to English Literature. She noticed he was behind her when she walked into the classroom,
" Miss Harper, nice of you to join us,"
Mrs Devlin was staring at V as she took her seat,
V rolled her eyes and decided to keep quiet.
The classes attention was on this new boy that had entered behind V she noted the cheerleaders was vying for his attention but he seemed to be focused on her, V could feel her cheeks burning there was something about him that made her stomach feel like butterflies were loose, he had striking green eyes, surrounded by beautiful dark lashes, his lips looked soft and perfectly shaped, he was dressed in jeans and a leather jacket,
Mrs Devlins voice snapped her back to reality
" OK, class, this is Dean Winchester. He's going to be with us for the spring term, so please make him feel welcome .
Dean strolled over to an empty desk he walked with arrogance, V had never really been bothered about boys, and she was always very popular with them at each school she went to. The jocks wanted her as their prom date. The popular girls wanted her to be in their groups, she had been told that she was an English Rose, beautiful, and rare but she hated to be seen like that, she was strong, with thoughts, ideas, she was passionate and brave, but something about this Dean made her want to melt in his arms.
At lunchtime, V sat alone, often preferring this than to surrounding herself with friends. She had learned it wasn't worth making friends as she would be gone in a few months. She was about to start reading when she noticed Dean walking over to her, that cocky confident grin on his beautiful face,
" So this is where the gorgeous girls hang out,"
V laughs at this she can't help but warm to him straight away,
" I guess it is. Hi, I'm V Harper. Welcome to Hell High, "
Dean laughs, and she notices how lovely his teeth are
" Well, I won't be here long, but while I'm here, I need to hang out with the cutest girl, and I've decided that's you."
" Oh wow, thanks, Dean honestly I feel honoured " Vs tone takes on sarcasm, Dean looks puzzled then laughs,
" So what do teenagers do for fun around here?" he asks
" Join a cult," V responds with a smirk
Dean laughs, and V likes he has a sense of humour. They sit and talk over the next hour, Dean comes across as confident and wise beyond his years. He tells V he has a younger brother Sammy, and his dad's job involves travelling and different schools a lot, which they bond over. They arrange to meet after school.
Dean gave V instructions to come to the motel he was staying at as he has to look after Sammy while their dad is away, she drives straight there after getting changed at home, her mum doesn't even question about weather she has eaten or not she was happy that she had plans with friends,
V arrived at the motel she was wearing jeans and a motor head t shirt, which she had slashed to expose her midriff. Her hair was in loose curls, and she had lipstick and mascara on, Dean opened the motel door, and her heart flipped he was so cute
" V, come on in excuse the mess,"
The room was a mess, clothes all over the beds, unwashed pots in the sink in the tiny kitchenette area, she then noticed a younger boy sat in front of the TV he was around 12 or 13, she smiled and waved he looked away embarrassed a tinge of pink on his cheeks
" That's Sammy, Sammy. This is V"
V went over to say hi to Sam he was sweet and looked similar to Dean, but you could tell there were miles apart in personality.
That evening was spent watching movies,eating junk food, cowboy movies for Dean, and a slasher for V, V felt comfortable around Dean he was easy to talk to, funny, and the way he cared and looked out for Sammy was heartwarming.
At 10pm V headed home she waved bye to Sam and promised a game of soccer at the weekend, Dean followed her out to her battered VW beetle, dark had settled over the motel parking lot and she knew her mum would be worrying,
" I had the best night, Dean, thanks,"
Again, Dean showed that cocky confident smile
" Sure you did. You were with me,"
V laughed and turned to unlock her car door. He stopped her as she turned back around. He took her small hand in his, and her heart started thumping loudly. Was he going to kiss her?? Was she even ready she had never kissed a boy before, even at 17, she was inexperienced due to her upbringing, whereas Dean seemed more sure of himself it definitely wasn't his first kiss.
He was looking at her now those green eyes piercing her soul, she touched his face it was soft and smooth his lips were inches from hers she could smell his scent musky and sweet like she expected a teenage boy to smell. He gently kissed her lips and Vs mind went blank it felt so good and she didn't want it to end she pushed her body closer into him and he grabbed her waist, they remained in this embrace for a few minutes, he pulled away smirked and said "sweet dreams princess " V stood there in shock watching him head back into the motel, she composed herself and got into her car driving back home in a daze, her first kiss, she will forever remember who it was with, where she was and how she felt in that moment.

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