Chapter One

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I collapse on my bunk beneath my best friend Sonya. I'm exhausted from a day of babysitting the younger kids. I put a single earbud in and put my Nirvana albums on shuffle.

"Do you think we'll ever get out of here?" Sonya asks. She isn't sad or angry about being here. She just sounds genuinely curious.

I sigh and say, "I don't really know. But I hope so. I hope somebody nice adopts us. We both deserve to have good lives." She leans over the edge of her bunk to look at me. Her brunette hair and dark brown eyes make her seem more pale than she already is.

"Ellie, please promise me that even after we get out of here we'll still be best friends. And I don't mean occasionally running into each other at a coffee shop or something. I mean texting and talking to each other on Facebook and hanging out." she says.

I laugh and say, "Of course we'll still be best friends. Sonya, we grew up here together. I can't imagine living a life without you in it." She gives me a small smile and returns to her bunk. I hear her flipping through a book, and the corners of my mouth turn up into a smile.

"All right, children. We have a nice man coming to visit us in half an hour. He wants to adopt one of you. I want each and every one of you to be on your absolute best behavior. Now, go get ready for our visitor." Mrs. Smith says. Mrs. Smith is a middle aged woman with blonde hair. Her eyes are a dark brown, almost black. She's usually pretty kind.

Sonya hops down from the top bunk and gives me a smile. She's wearing her favorite Smashing Pumpkins t-shirt and a pair of black spandex.

"Let's go, bitch. I need to put on some makeup for this 'visitor.'" she laughs. I roll my eyes and climb out of my bunk. I put on a random Nirvana t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans before following Sonya to the bathroom.

I braid my long blonde hair and let it fall over my shoulder. I line my crystal blue eyes with black eyeliner and make sure I don't look too disheveled. Sonya, on the other hand, has went all out. She's wearing all of her makeup, including bright red lipstick. Her hair is pulled up into a neat ponytail.

"Do I look okay?" she asks.

"You look great." I say honestly. She nods, and we make our way downstairs. The rest of the kids are already down there, running around and playing. Sonya and I are the oldest, aside from a sixteen-year-old boy named Jason. Jason is leaning against the wall. He smiles when he sees us.

"Hello, ladies. Looking beautiful, as always." he says.

I laugh and say, "Hey, Jason." The door opens, and everything around us stops. We all turn to see who the visitor is. I swear, my heart almost stops. Standing in our orphanage is none other than the Legend himself, Kurt Cobain.

"I thought he was dead." Jason whispers beside me.

"I did too. But that's gotta be him. There's no way it could possibly be anybody else." I whisper back. His hair is peppered with gray, and there are lines etched into his face. But it's definitely him. HIs eyes are crystal clear as they scan over all of us, taking in every kid. He stops when his gaze lands on me. My heart stops beating, and a blush covers my cheeks. He says something to Mrs. Smith, and she gives me a small smile. I get nervous, so I hide partially behind Jason.

"Don't be so nervous, Ellie. Come here." Mrs. Smith says. I take a deep breath and make my way over to her and Kurt.

He smiles and says, "Hi. My name is Kurt Cobain. But I have a feeling you already knew that."

"I-I'm Ellie." I stutter.

"Ellie, Mr. Cobain here is interested in giving you a home." Mrs. Smith says. Kurt gives me a smile, and I nervously smile back.

"What do you think, Ellie? Do you want to come live with me?" he asks. I nod my head in response.

"Yes, sir. I would like that very much." I say softly.

His smile widens as he says, "Alright, Mrs. Smith. I think I'm ready to fill out all of the paper work to take her home." Mrs. Smith nods and hurries away to get the papers.

"Thank you, Mr. Cobain." I say excitedly.

He laughs and says, "Please, call me Kurt. And no need to thank me. Why don't you go pack up all your stuff while I fill out the papers? You can meet me back here whenever you're ready." I nod my head and run back up stairs to the room I share with Sonya. I grab all of my belongings and shove them into a suitcase. Sonya and Jason burst into the room, huge smiles on their faces.

"Oh my God, Ellie. We're going to miss you so much! But I'm so happy that you're going to get a home!" Jason yells. They engulf me in a tight hug before hugging me separately.

"I'll leave you two alone. I'll meet you downstairs before you leave." Sonya says, hugging me again. She goes downstairs, and Jason immediately wraps me in a hug.

He takes a deep breath and says, "I've wanted to do this for a really long time. I guess now is as good a time as any." And then suddenly his lips are on mine. HIs lips are soft and warm as he kisses me, but he soon pulls away. I smile up at him as a blush spreads across his face.

"I can't even tell you how long I've wanted you to do that." I smile. He smiles back.

"Stay in touch. Okay?" he says with a sad smile.

"Okay. Jason, I'm really going to miss you." I say. His blonde bangs fall in his green eyes.

"I'll miss you too. But I'm really happy you're getting adopted. You deserve a family." he says. We walk back downstairs hand in hand. I say my final goodbyes before following Kurt out to his car. He gives me a reassuring smile as he loads my suitcase into the back. I turn to look at the orphanage one final time before getting in the car and leaving my old life for a new home.

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