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Screaming can be heard throughout the corridor.

Simon looked around, and it was a mess. Papers and graffiti everywhere. 'This place doesn't feel right ' Simon concluded.

The first thing Simon's sees is a piece of paper on the ground, and before he can take a look, his phone goes off, the message reading,


Fourth floor!!

After reading the message, he puts his phone away and walks to the paper on the ground. The handwriting was hard to read, but Simon could make out what it read,

3 little kiddies playing in the park.
Said the first kiddie, let's go home before it gets dark
The first two went on their merry way home.
The third stayed playing. All alone
Come here little child, come to me!
The bushes whispered softly
They say curiosity killed the cat...

Simon was disturbed by whatever that was on the paper.

As he kept walking, he heard light footsteps from above him. He furrowed his brows, 'Who else could be here?'
He shook it off and focused on his current situation, finding the person on the fourth floor.

Simon walks up to every door in the hall, but none of them open except for one door. Simon walks inside the room and is faced with filth and a stench so strong you could barely breathe.

He walks into the first room and finds nothing same with the kitchen. As he walks into the living room, he finds another syringe and puts it in his bag.

Simon walked into the living room and didn't see the smaller creature rushing towards him. Simon turns around and pushes the monster out of his way, and starts attacking it.
Backing off and jumping at the monster over and over again until it died.

After that, Simon looks around the living room and finds trash bags everywhere. So he leaves the room to go out to the balcony.

To his surprise, there were planks set from the balcony Simon was currently on and to another balcony leading to a set of stairs.

Simon slowly walks on the planks, afraid that they might fall. At the end of the plank, he jumps and pushes the door open.

He walks inside and sees that he is on the second floor. So he goes down the steps and enters the second floor.

When he goes through the door, Simon sees an elevator. He tries to open the door to the elevator, but it's not there. 'Can't call the elevator. It must be stuck somewhere'
He walks off with a sigh, disappointed that he can't use the elevator.

Simon continues his walk around the area. When he does so, the lights flicker, and Simon freezes up as it looks like a monster is about to run up to him and attack Simon.

Simon's stabs and slices the monsters face until it dies. Simon catches his breath as he stands there to recover from moving so suddenly.

Then, all of a sudden, Simon hears an ear piercing scream. His eyes widen and whip his head around to see where the scream came from. Running down the hall and finding nothing.

He hears the footsteps again, but they sound heavier and rushed. Simon would hopefully remember to check that out later.


After finding a door that would actually open, Simon could only see that the living room light was on. Everything else was dark. He spots a paper on the carpet and reads it.

Those little kiddies are so cute
They look so lovely! I just want to touch them...
But then those parents come... That's why I have to kill them!

'What the fuck!' Simon cringed. He threw the note in a different direction, disgusted by the shit he just read. He stalked to the door in front of him and tried to open it, but it didn't budge. Simon turned his head to the other door next to him and tried that door. It opened, but there was nothing but pictures and garbage bags everywhere. He looked around and found a syringe and a apartment key. Simon placed both objects in his bag as he walked to the door.

Abruptly, the window inside the room shattered and startled Simon. With his hand on the doorknob, he tries to push open the door. "What? Someone locked it." He stepped away from the door into one of corners of the room.

Standing still, holding his breath, and not moving, Simon hears loud footsteps and a low voice. He couldn't make out what whoever was out there was saying but the words 'bitch' and 'kill herself'.

With furrowed brows, he slowly walks towards the door as the footsteps had stopped right in front of the locked door. The lock turned and nothing was said after that. Simon turned the knob and opened the door to see no one here.

The lights flickered multiple times and monsters appeared, but they all vanished but one and Simon killed it right away.

Simon walks to the front door and leaves the apartment walking to the one across from it. Simon pulls out the key he had found and unlocks the door.

Cry of Fear (Simon Henriksson x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now