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Simon walked into the other apartment and saw that one of the doors to his right was open.

He strides inside the room but finds nothing interesting. Turning around, a monster crawls up to Simon and jumps on him.

Simon pushes the monster off of him and punches it in the face. The monster falls to the ground while Simon stabs it.

The monster ends up landing a hit on Simon and screeches right in his face. Simon stumbles back while dropping his switchblade.

The monster pounces on Simon and stabs him in the arm. "Argh," Simon grunts in pain and kicks the monster off of him. 'Son of a bitch' He grabs his blade and kills off the monster.

Breathing heavily, he walks around the place to find nothing once again.

Though, Simon does find a gigantic hole in the wall. Stepping over the broken pieces of wall, Simon walks onto the other side. Hearing a thud, Simon looks up to see a monster crawling out from under the bed.

The monster toward over Simon and attempted to attack him, but Simon was faster.

Simon pushed the monster away from him and jumped back. Then he jumped forward with all his might and killed the monster.

Simon steps over the mangled corpse and continues his route.

Walking into the hallway that was strangely occupied with mountains of furniture, a monster creeps up of Simon or the nth time. Simon groans in pain as he quickly kills the smaller monster.

Simon reaches into his bag for a syringe and injects it into his arm.

He walks into the kitchen to find nothing like usual. Then, there was a loud noise coming from outside.

Simon peeked out from the kitchen andsaws that a wall had been smashed through. Simon gravitates toward the wall and steps inside.

'There's something in the ceiling' Simon notices an arm sticking out from above. 'Is that... a body? Christ, it smells bad.' He points out, 'He's holding a gun. Better take it with me.' Simon jumps up to grab the gun,  and something else falls. A hall key.

He places it in the pocket and continues walking throughout the complex, ending up in a dark hallway.

Simon peeks around the corner to see nothing out of place. He steps into the lit corridor and runs to the end of the hall. He pulls out the hall key he found and unlocks the door.

Running towards him were two smaller monster thrusting their knives in Simon's direction.

Simon dodges them and sprints down the stairs. Seeing a bunch of doors, Simon runs through the first one he sees and is left in a dark hallway.

Pulling out his phone to turn on the flashlight and gun in hand. Simon's finger slips onto the trigger and shoots. "Shit!" He says under his breath.

Then, he hears the cries of what sounds like a small child. Going towards the door from where the sound was coming from, it wouldn't budge.

Leaving the door, Simon goes to the next door over and walks inside.

Stepping quietly into the apartment, Simon walks into the first room, and to his shock, a monster jumps out and starts landing hits on Simon.

Simon grunts as he is pushed back. He pulls out his gun and starts shooting at the monster until it falls.

After that happened, Simon walked inside the room and saw a box of bullets on the ground. As he picked them up, the radio in the room went off.

He could make out anything because all he could hear was static noise over the whispers.
Simon walked out of the room into the kitchen and found nothing. So he leaves the apartment.

Stepping out into darkness, Simon hears a squeal. He turned and started attacking whatever it was that was making the noise. Seeing that it was a monster, Simon sighed and moved on.

Walking further into the hall, Simon sees the elevator. 'Finally,' Simon steps into the elevator, shuts the gate, and heads up.

Cry of Fear (Simon Henriksson x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now