First period

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April walked nervously to class. It was her first day, and she recognized none of the dozens of faces that glanced at her as she made her way from the courtyard of her school into the hallway that would lead to her first class of the day. 

As she did, she met the gaze of one of the strangers. It was a boy, a good deal taller than her, and unlike the other students that flooded past, he didn't look away when she noticed him. Instead, he half-smiled, and elbowed a shorter girl next to him, who turned to see April, and made a similar face. 

April frowned and pushed on through the crowd. She didn't think that she was all that much to look at. Skinny but still short for her age, April wore her thick hair down, a long sleeved gray shirt, and a checkered red skirt that she'd spent fifteen minutes checking in the mirror before school. She wasn't sure whether it was too tight on her ass, or if the checkered pattern hid the shape enough to not embarrass her.

April was walking to her desk in her first class when she saw the girl again, a blonde who didn't even meet her eyes as she intentionally bumped into April. The new girl stumbled half a step backwards, a desk behind her knocking her into a seating position, her ass on top of the hand boy sitting there. It was the boy from before, but instead of drawing his hand away, he let it stay there for a moment, feeling her ass, then pushed up with his palm and pushed April back upright with his hand against her butt.

"Fucking idiot," he muttered at her, as some of his friends laughed.

April was too embarrassed to form words, and instead scurried off to her seat at the other side of the room. As she sat down and opened her backpack, the short blonde girl came down the row and sat directly behind her. April turned to say something to her, but then the teacher came in, and demanded they all be quiet.

As the class wore on, April started to zone out from boredom, but was jarred back to reality by a sharp pain at the back of her head. The girl behind her had reached forward, grabbed the back of her hair, and pulled it straight down. April's back arched and head went back to try to mitigate the pain, as her hands went to stop the girl but were batted away immediately. Confused and afraid, April looked around the room, but while the teacher had her back turned and was writing on the board, almost every student in the room was stealing glances at April as she tried not to scrunch her face in pain as the girl continued to pull.

She pulled it down almost all the way to April's ass, then took the massive wad of gum out of her mouth and pressed it into her hair. The girl continued to pull as she mashed the gum around in the hair, assuring that it was stuck as deeply as possible. Another girl giggled and took a photo.

The teacher turned around, and the girl immediately let go of April's hair, causing her to lurch forwards in her seat. The teacher heard the noise and looked up expectantly at April, who froze, the wet weight of the gum solid against her back.

"Um, can I go to the bathroom?" She squeaked.

The teacher nodded, and resumed teaching as April stood and made her way to the back of the room as quickly as possible without turning her back to reveal the gum to the classroom. The girl who had put it in gave her a mocking pouty expression, and a few of her friends laughed quietly.

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