The Romanians attack

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"There you go,Belle!" My best friend,Jane,places my tiara on my head as I admire her work in the mirror in front of me. The fabric of the dress was very soft against my skin. It was a shade of violet, the had sparkly sequins that stopped nder my breasts, and there was a strip of sequins that went down to my thigh, from there was a purple skirt. I had asked Jane not to make it too pouffy, and she'd made it perfect. It was floor length, and matched with me. My shoes were dark purple, which matched nicely with my dress. It was beautiful, the way Jane made it. She was good at things like this. My father,Aro, thought it would be fun to have a ball to celebrate my thirteenth year as being the Volturi princess. "Thank you,Jane." I said, running my fingers over the fabric again."It's beautiful. It really is." She smiled at me. Her blonde hair,which was usually up in a bun, was wavy,and down. I had made her take it out. Her dress was a midnight blue, and had a delicate pattern on the side. Her make-up was light. Smokey eye, pink lipgloss, and I had convinced her to wear Blush,to add a little colour. I had purple eye shadow,and light pink lipstick and my blonde hair was wavy and Jane had Taken my bangs which were a little shorter than my hair, which was to about the middle of my rib age,and put Them in a pony at the back of my head and tied it together with a flower. It was beautiful. "Thanks,Jane. It's perfect."

"Jane? Belle?" Janes twin brother,Alec called through before knocking.

"Come in." I said. He came in and looked at us in our dresses.

"Master Aro requested you. The Cullen's are here." I had only ever met Edward Cullen,when he came here, asking to die. Jane put on a look of hatred. I looped my arm through hers and made my way to the throne room. I walked in and saw a group of seven vampires. "Ah, here is my AnnaBelle." My father boasted.

"Father. Alec said you needed me." He nodded his head vigorously.

"ah,yes, my child. I wanted you to meet my old friend, Carlise Cullen." A man that looked about 20ish came up to me." Hello. My name is Carlise, and this is my wife,Esme." A woman with a heart shaped face, and caramel coloured hair shook my hand. " AnnaBelle. But, I prefer Belle," I said, shaking it.

"Belle." A boy mused.he had tousled bronze hair, and gold eyes.

"are you making fun of my name?" I asked tightly. Jane gripped my arm a little bit tighter."Are you?" He laughed lightly.

"no. You just remind me of someone I know." He said. Then, it hit me. This was Edward Cullen.

"Edward. Please, do not anger my daughter."Father said.

"I look like a little girl, but I am deadly." I whispered.

he looked shocked. "Try me." He said. Jane bit back a laugh,and I turned to Father, silently asking permission. He nodded. I focussed on Janes power, and Edward howled in pain. "Janes interfering!" A pixie like girl exclaimed. Jane scowled, next I made his worst nightmare come true. I also experienced it. A pale, brown haired girl was on the ground, bleeding. So this was the human my Father always talked about. "Bella!" Edward cried out. I was taken back at how much this girl looked like me. Exept I had Blonde hair, and she had brown. "Bella! Keep your heart beating please!" Edward cried frantically, trying to pump her heart. So this was his worst nightmare. Losing the one he

loves most. "That's enough." A boy with Honey blonde hair said. I stopped it, and looked at Jane. She was laughing."That girl. Bella, was it?" I asked. He clenched his teeth. "I'm sorry."I said.

Jane gasped. "Alec, go get the camera! Belle just said she's sirry! That's so rare!" Father chuckled, but stopped when I glared at him. "I'll be back!" I announced,and ran at vampire speep to my room. I threw on tights and a purple T-shirt and switched my heels for my vans. But, I left the tiara on my head, and my Volturi crest on. I ran back, and Jane looked at my outfi. "Nu uh! what do you think you're!" Janes hysterics were cut off by Renata running into the room. "Master Aro! The Romanians are attacking! There's thousands!" father turned to Carlise, and asked,"Carlise, please. If I promise no more problems with Bella, will you look after my daughter. Please. She's all I've got left." I gaped at this.

"yes,Aro.You can count on us." I shook my furiously.

"No. I want to fight!" Father shook his head sadly, as he gave me a kiss on the forehead. Be safe, my precious Belle." I felt numb. They were actually going to make Me go. I concentrated, and pictured Me, and the Cullen's in Forks,Washington. They gasped, as we came to a stop at their house. "How old are you?" Alice, also k own as pixie girl asked.

"Eighteen." I said. "I became princess of the Volturi when I was six." This caught her off guard.

"you look so much like Bella, It's unbelievabl." She giggled lightly.

"can I meet her?" I asked. I remembered the letter that Jane had secretly stuck in my pocket. I opened it, and read it to Alice.

it read:

Dear My darling Isabelle,

your birth name is Isabelle, and not AnnaBelle, as we had told you. I m not your real father, for Reneè Dwyer, and Charlie Swan are. I had adopted you, because we though you would be a lovely girl to have around the Castle. You have a twin sister named Isabella Swan, which is the human that The Cullens are involved with. We all loved you dearly, and could not put you in danger anymore. By the time you're reading this, we will all be dead. I'm very sorry that we had to end this way. I felt as though you were my real daughter, we all watched you growing up. Jane told me to put that she loved you like a sister,and still does.

love, Everyone, including Alec,Jane,Felix,Demetri,Reneta.

Alice put a hand on my shoulder. "That's why I sometimes saw you in my visions. I just didn't know what it meant." i took a deep breath.

"Can I see her?" I asked. Alice nodded. I took put the flower clip that Jane had put in. My hair and put it in a metal box, along with the letter, the Volturi crest, and the tiara. I put it under the guest bed. I heard Dootsteps, and a heart beat. "Belle! Bella is is here!" Alice called. I braced myself, and walked down to them.

"Bella?" I asked the girl. She was about 5'5 and had chocolate brown eyes, whereas I had Gold. Her brown hair spilled down her back, while I still had mine in the style Jane had put it in. "Hi." I said shyly. Belle, come on! Your better than this! Edward chuckled, and Bella and I turned to him. I put my hand on my hip and raised an eyebrow."yes?" Me and Bella asked together. Edward laughed harder. I now see why. Our expressions were the same, as were our actions.

"im Isabella" she said, extending a hand. I Concentrated,and suddenly was in my human form. I se her surprised look. We're identical, the only thing telling us apart was my blonde hair and her brown. I smiled A little bit. "Bella." I said.

AnnaBelle VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now