Chapter 71-80

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Chapter 71

Song Nuanxia hurriedly stopped, blushing, with excitement and joy, picked up the electric mosquito swatter again, and walked back while swatting.
Lu Zhan followed her, bending over to pick up locusts. The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, which is obviously a good mood.
It didn't take long for the two of them to return to Building 8. Boss Li led the bodyguards to work in full swing, with more than a dozen sacks neatly placed beside him. It made people jealous, but they didn't dare to grab it. Full of deterrence!
"Hey, Xiao Song, where have you guys been? Why didn't you catch the locust? This thing is easy to catch, let me tell you..."
Boss Li said a lot, and didn't give the two of them a chance to speak.
After showing off his harvest, he patted one of the sacks and said righteously: "It's really not possible, this bag is for you!"
Song Nuanxia was a little moved, but still shook her head with a smile: "Yes, yes, we have a good harvest, and we have already exchanged electronic coins."
"Ah, so early?"
"Well, there are fewer people now, so you won't have to wait in line for a while." Song Nuanxia said in a low voice, fearing that people around would hear it, so she ran to 1101.
Boss Li was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly called the head of the bodyguard to come over and take people to exchange. He also smiled and thanked Song Nuanxia for the reminder.
Song Nuanxia waved her hand, not paying much attention. Playing with an electric mosquito swatter while culling mutant locusts, everyone in 8202's eyes turned red.
"What kind of people don't earn electronic money well. It seems that they have a lot at home!"
When Song Nuanxia heard it, she kicked the stone at her feet and hit the opponent hard on the mouth. The man was tearful, covered his mouth and looked around, completely ignoring the little girl.
Song Nuanxia doesn't care, she is not a soft persimmon, she is too lazy to care about it, but it is very annoying over and over again, so it is better to teach her a lesson.
I just don't know if I can let the other party remember.
Pulling Lu Zhan to continue catching insects, he found that there were fewer and fewer insects. Many of them just flew here and flew away without stopping.
Song Nuanxia: "..." What's the situation, the bugs won't eat or drink? Without stopping, they have the strength to fly to the next city?
These questions are destined not to be answered, the little girl can only seize the last chance and try her best to cull them.
She moved very quickly, and in just over half an hour, she caught a sack of mutated locusts, all of which were still alive. This efficiency is much better than some crooked mouths.
Seeing that the sun was about to rise, Song Nuanxia decisively decided to end the operation. Tie the mouth of the sack, and carry it to 1101 with Lu Zhan, but at this time, there is already a long queue here.
Song Nuanxia was a little irritable, took out her phone and looked at it, it was four fifty-five.
"I can't wait any longer, the sun will come out soon." After speaking, he pulled Lu Zhan home without any hesitation.
When the others saw it, they were a little flustered. But they were not as courageous as Song Nuanxia, ​​they were stuck in a dilemma.
At this moment, Chen Shu came back. He brought a team of people and killed an unknown number of mutated locusts.
They are different from ordinary people, they mainly focus on extermination. As soon as he made a move, he set fire and sprayed medicine, and directly wiped out the locust group.
So ah, the truck bed smells alluring. It's a pity that it is mixed with medicine and cannot be eaten. Not even composting.
It gave some clever people a way out. They saw that 1101 could not exchange all the electronic coins before dawn, so they went back ruthlessly.
Chen Shu went outside to appease the big guys, and then went in.
Ask the little soldier what he has gained tonight, and just as he was about to say something, the phone rang.
Chen Shu quickly picked it up: "Hi, hello. Yes! Really? Well, great, thank you!"
Hanging up the phone, picked up the big speaker on the table, came out and said to everyone: "I just received a call from the Kyoto Research Institute. This time, the mutant locusts are green and non-toxic and edible, and the earthy yellow ones are edible after processing.
Residents can choose by themselves to exchange the mutated locusts into electronic coins, or roast them and eat them. The sun is about to rise, those who cannot complete the exchange before 5:30, go home first, and continue in the evening. "
"Captain Chen, what should I do if this bug gets bored?"
"It's okay, let's buy it at the original price, don't worry." Seeing that the line was a bit long, Chen Shu cut it off in the middle: "The ones behind don't need to line up, go home first. It won't hurt the skin when the sun comes out."
Although those at the back of the team were a little unhappy, they also knew that there was no need to stand still. They asked one by one, and after confirming that the officials would not refuse to accept their locusts, they went home.
It's just a hassle to move around. I was already wearing thick clothes in the high temperature, and when I got home, I was sweating a few catties.
And Song Nuanxia has been sitting on the sofa for a long time. Even if her physique improved, she couldn't bear the high temperature for a long time. Being wrapped up, she almost pouted, but she came back and took a shower before she recovered.
It's just that her face is a little pale, but she is in good spirits. Lu Zhan knew that this was the excitement of discovering a new world.
"Baby, how do you feel?"
"Great! Lu Zhan, did I activate my ability?"
"It should be!" To be honest, Lu Zhan is not very sure, because Song Nuanxia's ability fluctuations are very slight, almost none. But it doesn't matter, just slowly repair the chain. It's just that this world seems to be suppressed.
Song Nuanxia didn't think about it so much, and sat on the sofa to try out her new ability. After experimenting, I found that I can store items within half a meter in the air, but there are restrictions on size and weight.
Song Nuanxia was not discouraged, and happily shared the results with Lu Zhan. Lu Zhan reached out to touch her eyebrows, and after a long time, he kissed her bright red lips.
Then he left, cut a plate of mangoes for Song Nuanxia, ​​and watched her eat them before sending him back to the basement to sleep.
As for the locusts in the sack, neither of them cared. Throw them to the corner at will, let them squeeze and struggle.
Time passed by, and soon, it was mid-morning. Song Nuanxia opened her sleepy eyes and slowly got up. Seeing that Lu Zhan hadn't woken up yet, he ate the rest of the mango and took out his phone to browse Langbo.
The most popular thing on Langbo is crying about the mutated locust plague. The densely packed locusts attacked, and before they could react, they were gnawed on the green grass and trees.
Although there are not many plants alive because of the high temperature, when the locusts come, they will be wiped out, and there will be bareness everywhere!
Some people also said: "Didn't the official notify in advance? We have all received the news!"
The administrator in charge of monitoring public opinion saw this message and hurriedly replied: "The official notified the mutated locust as soon as it was discovered, but the swarm was too large and the migration speed was too fast. The official notification time, The location may vary."
Think about it, everyone, it makes sense. That thing is a bug, how could it act according to human thoughts. It can only be said as much as possible, try to notify in a timely manner, try to improve efficiency, and minimize losses.
After analysis, Song Nuanxia also understood why the locusts came earlier than the official notification time. Speaking of it, it was a bit dumbfounding!

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