
434 10 10

Name y/n l/n


Looks:up to you

Likes:killing villains, protecting the innocent, his power, some of the justice league

Dislikes: everything he doesn't like

Height:6.10 (208.28 cm) (varies due to his powers)

Weight:900 lbs (408.233 kgs)

Hero suit:Use Google to find your favorite


Please use his wiki because I can't even begine to write how op he is

Or just look up all of the juggernauts' powers

Just some things to get out of the way

I made this story because I'm having problems with photos, and I don't think this story will need a lot

This story was just a on the spot thing, so I don't know where this will be going, so I need a pairing



One girl and tell me who


I'm the juggernaut Where stories live. Discover now