Chapter 111-120

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Chapter 111

Song Nuanxia observed the scenery outside through the rain curtain, it was hazy, but still somewhat beautiful. Just cold, damp, uncomfortable.
His thoughts were flying, and when he came back to his senses, the car had already stopped.
Song Nuanxia glanced at the surrounding buildings, heh, I don't know where it is now.
He raised his hand and looked at his watch, only to realize that he had been on the road for more than two hours. It's really far away.
She was helped out of the car by Lu Zhan, and then saw a scene that shocked her.
I saw that most of the river city ahead was submerged in water, and some buildings were so short that only a roof could be seen.
I took a closer look at the tree next to the roof, ah, there was only a canopy left. Song Nuanxia checked visually, the water depth was three to five meters.
This is only the edge position, if you go in, the water will be deeper.
Several assault boats were parked on the shore, and the person in charge raised his hand to call people over to group them.
Then let the guards take it and go to the divided area to collect supplies.
It was at this time that Song Nuanxia knew that the action of collecting materials was planned in advance.
Even, the official pressure was intentional.
Possibly, just find an opportunity to bring them out and carry out some not-so-secret covert operations.
Song Nuanxia and Lu Zhan were assigned to group 124. In addition to them, there were also the father and son just now.
Everyone had no objection to this, and the leading guard went to the command point to register and set off with a few people.
To be honest, this was the first time for Song Nuanxia to ride an assault boat in the city, and it felt quite cool, no matter how you say it.
It's just that the water is so muddy, faint, and a little fishy.
Captain Li Sheng reminded everyone: "This water is very dirty, try not to touch it. If you accidentally touch it, you should wash it off with rainwater as soon as possible, otherwise you will get a rash all over your body."
Song Nuanxia nodded, indicating that she understood.
Lu Zhan didn't speak, but grabbed the eaves of the boat with one hand and grabbed Song Nuanxia's arm with the other. I'm afraid that a bump will throw people out.
The same goes for the father and son, holding arms for a double guarantee.
The sound of the assault boat's engine hummed, and the sewage at the bottom of the boat was swung to both sides at an extremely fast speed.
Song Nuanxia narrowed her eyes slightly, and just about to wipe the rain off her face with her hand, she saw an assault boat coming towards them in the distance, and then changed direction at a fork in the road.
After a glimpse, Song Nuanxia saw the supplies under the rainproof cloth, and couldn't help yelling: "This is a house raid!"
But I also know that if those things are not taken away, they can only be soaked in water and wasted in the end. It's better to transfer them in advance and let them make the best use of them.
No wonder the trucks are used to send them, the reason is here!
What Song Nuanxia didn't know was that there were also guards searching for supplies in places that hadn't been flooded yet.
Just didn't tell them.
After walking on the water for a few minutes, the assault boat came to an old residential building.
This building has three floors and is not high. The first floor was soaked in water, and the entrance could no longer be seen.
Li Sheng parked the assault boat in front of a window on the second floor. He didn't know how to do it, but the window opened.
Then tie the boat to the window frame and let everyone turn it in carefully.
Lu Zhan nodded, and moved quickly into the window, taking Song Nuanxia in.
Song Nuanxia took a look and found that it was the balcony of a certain resident.
Before she could recover, the father and son, and Li Sheng all came in.
Li Sheng glanced at the decoration of this house, raised his hand and said, "Your task is to pack up the small items and put them by the window, and I'll take them away directly. For the large items, put them in one bedroom, and we will arrange for someone to pull them out." transport."
After finishing speaking, he went out, and opened the living room doors of the two units in a special way, so that several people could be busy.
Song Nuanxia thought for a while, and discussed with the father and son, each on one side.
The father and son thought it was good, free and without defense, so they agreed.
So, Song Nuanxia pulled Lu Zhan and went to the house of the residents in the east.
At first glance, it looks like someone lives here. After a closer look, I found that there was nothing to eat at home.
A lot of other things have also been moved out. Only some unimportant and infrequently used ones are still kept.
Song Nuanxia simply checked and got busy.
All the books are piled together, and the cotton quilts and silk quilts are packed with sheets and quilt covers.
The curtains were removed, and clothes for the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter were wrapped inside.
There are other things, such as half a bottle of shampoo and conditioner, only half a pack of women's products, cups, tableware, etc.
Song Nuanxia felt that she was here to help people move.
Look at the work efficiency, it took just over an hour to sort out the odds and ends.
Count carefully, there are quite a lot of things, and they can be used for several years. If it wasn't for the space and supplies, she would have wished to move them all home.
Song Nuanxia knocked on the window and asked Li Sheng to drive the boat here. Put things on board and move to a place with high ground first.
Then, looking at the furniture in the room, Song Nuanxia smiled, and directly used the space ability to put them into a room.
Of course, the bed, which is a big piece that is not easy to transport, is dismantled into wooden boards. It's pretty spectacular when stacked together.
Song Nuanxia cleaned up the house before going upstairs.
Close the door and take out dry food, sit on the sofa with Lu Zhan and rest while gnawing, taking a mouthful of fat boy, two words, refreshing!
Just as I was about to say something, I heard someone knock on the door. Lu Zhan raised his eyebrows, put away Fat Boy's water, got up and opened the door.
It was the father and son who came, exhausted after working all morning.
Smiling and asked Lu Zhan: "Have you brought food? I have some. Let's eat together?"
Lu Zhan welcomed him in, but declined politely, "I've already eaten, thank you."
The visitor was not surprised, he simply introduced himself and left.
Lu Zhan also said a few words, the overall idea is that the two sides live in harmony, the materials they find belong to their own, and no one should stab the knife in the back.
Afterwards, he and Song Nuanxia took a nap for a while, and then started to work again. Evacuating two buildings in one day was tiring.
When he returned, Li Sheng sent today's reward, a bag of compressed biscuits, and a bag of dehydrated vegetables.
The rest will be converted into electronic coins and put into their accounts.
After Song Nuanxia thanked her, she put away her things. Go home and rest well, and continue the next day.
The following days went step by step, because the team was harmonious and not lazy, the higher-ups were very satisfied with their performance.
So, in the second week, I changed the workplaces for several people, and picked a few office buildings standing in the water to search.
On this day, Song Nuanxia came to the Shuguang Building, which was said to be 35 stories high.
In terms of the height of the building, this place is very suitable for evacuation, but the location happened to be a pit, and the rainwater from all directions gathered here and could not be drained out. Seven or eight floors were flooded in a short time.
Li Sheng found a window to break, drove the assault boat into the building, found a half-exposed staircase, put a few people down, and told: "During this period of time, there are a lot of people coming out to look for supplies, fish and dragons are mixed, and there have been many murders. Be careful, if you meet a vicious person, it is important to save your life."
After speaking, he glanced at Lu Zhan secretly, saw him nodding his head slightly, and then left in peace.

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