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I place on the shimmery ivory, long dress that Rachel had got me for the holiday party. After tonight I would be leaving here to go home for a little while, so I made sure I had my bag packed and ready to go right after I leave the Millers. Archer and I ended up going together since he got an invite from Alex, he offered to pick me up, and he clarified to me that this is indeed another date. I still didn't feel right about what went down between the both of us, and with what Dr, Gonzales mentioned about him grooming me, I didn't want it to continue. So I told him I would just meet him there. 

When we arrived I noticed the blue tiffany co. bag he had in his hands. Along with red roses and an envelope that had money in it.  


Dr, Gonzales couldn't have been more right, because she spoke the whole truth.

 I denied it all. All of it. Ok, maybe not the flowers because I didn't want to make him feel bad, but then I told him Rachel loves roses. He took it in a way that I didn't want them so he nodded and said he'll give them to her instead. Then I lied about already having the same necklace and a matching set of earrings he got me. And when it came to the money, I plainly told him I can't take it. He insisted more than once but then gave up when he noticed how serious I was. 

He complimented me on my straight hair and bangs that I cut myself. I left the sides of the bangs longer than the middle. and put my hair into a slick back ponytail. Letting the length of it flow down my back. 

We walked around the dining hall with his hands around my waist. Most couples here are color-coordinated. I am just glad Archer didn't ask anything about that. I saw some familiar faces from all the other events they had and some not so familiar. I stare up at the ceiling that had fake snowflakes and bright lights. The music was dimmed and the smell of cinnamon apple invaded my nose. They got rid of most of their furniture to make space for the fifty-plus guest that was attending, and every minute someone else would walk through those doors. The tables that were displayed had white and red tablecloths over them and their white Christmas tree was in the corner of the house. How can they constantly afford to have these kinds of parties? I get they live comfortably, but how comfortable? 

We ran into Trevor and Celeste when we reached the food bar. She's wearing a tight red dress that hugs her perfect pregnant body. Trevor is wearing a white tux with a red tie.

"You guys look amazing." I awe in excitement and hug Celeste. "How are you feeling?"

Her shoulders lift and drop. "I'm doing better than I thought I would be. I'm supposed to be on bed rest still, but I needed to get out for the night." She puts her weight on Trevor.

He holds her up, giving her the support she needed. "If anything, she'll be upstairs in my room sleeping," Trevor mentions. We both laugh.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Celeste, this is my boss Archer. Archer, this is Celeste." I grin at the sight of them.

"Pleasure to meet you, and I've seen you at the apartment." He shakes Trevor's hands.

"Yeah, cool seeing you again." I've known Trevor long enough to know when he's not sincere about something or someone. And the lack of strength in his handshake with Archer proves just that. 

"So you're the owner of that theatre. My mom loves going there to see your plays, only yours, though. Any other ones she can't sit for." Celeste rubs her stomach, with her back arched.

"I try to make them as entertaining as I can." He smiles. "I can get you tickets if you would like. Call it my baby shower gift."

Celeste's top lip slightly jerked, but she played it off with a grin. She glares at me and down at my dress. "You look sexy." She grins. "How's everything with you?"

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now