01 | AMIT: Cursed To Live Forever

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Do you believe in destiny? Do you think there's one person destined to be with you for all eternity? No matter how many times they get reincarnated, their heart would still find their way back to you

From Y/n's beliefs, that's complete bullshit. Destiny's not a romantic thing because if you think about it, it is rather a curse, imagine sticking with the same person over and over again. Won't you get bored with it? Why would fate pull you back together again? How could you forget the pain and move on with your new life if someone will just keep on reminding you about your past?

But deep inside, that is not what Y/n really think. How much Y/n wish to see that one particular person she hasn't seen in a century. Standing in front of this old black cherry blossom tree, looking at the petals falling down the ground. Y/n couldn't help but remember her as this is the tree they agreed to meet up again. But after all this time, Y/n is still waiting

Then she loses her balance and almost falls. Unfortunately, Y/n is far from being sober right now. The infamous immortal lady knows she has low alcohol tolerance and yet, she chose to get drunk tonight. Drunk that she is, her vision is getting blurry as if she has an astigmatism

In front of her, someone is also standing and facing the tree as well. But that person is just awfully familiar, Y/n blinked her eyes twice to make sure but it's not helping as she's just too drunk

"Mina? Is that you?"

"No, no, I'm just drunk.. wake up. You're seeing things" Y/n slaps her right cheek and looked away

To make sure she's just seeing things, Y/n looks again but the woman is already walking away from her. And without thinking anything, Y/n went after her but she couldn't walk properly because of drunkenness

They got inside the campus building when Y/n tripped, she got her way up again but as soon as she looks up, The woman disappeared into thin air

Next day ...

Sitting on the dining table, Y/n is drinking tea for a hangover. While two teenagers are sitting with her, quietly laughing at the Y/n who is spacing out

"Quit bullying Ms Han, kids" Tana said as she place the dishes on the table

"But mom, I don't really think she saw the person she's waiting for!" Sana laughs

"Yeah, I think so! How could she magically appear right straight in front of her then disappear?!" Momo laughs as well

You could say these people are important to Y/n. As they are the descendants of her adoptive sister, Kim Sana. And yes, Y/n named Sana after her great-great-great grandmother as they look so much alike. Tana is Sana's mother and Momo's aunt

"Ms Han, it's time for breakfast" Tana spoke but Y/n is still spacing out

"Huh?" Y/n confusingly looks at them, Sana and Momo laughs

Time skip ...

A huge portrait painting of a woman wearing a traditional hanbok is hanged on the wall in this dark and secluded room with only candles lighting up the room

"Was it really you last night?" Y/n mumbles

It might be hundreds of years ago but Y/n could still remember every part of her face, Y/n have never forgotten about her. She made this sure so if the time comes and they'll meet again, Y/n would immediately recognize her. That is why Y/n have made this painting while her memories of her are still fresh and unhealed

She looked down to her finger and touches the black jade ring

Y/n hears a knock, the door opens and it's Jaeyoung, Tana's father who is also a descendant of Kim Sana. He gets inside and bows to Y/n

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