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(Jasmine's POV)

I plug in my earphones as I push open the door to the gym. After a long, hard day in college I need to unwind and relax and what better way to do that than spending an hour or two at the gym.

I step up onto the nearest treadmill and start it up. I jog at an easy pace for the first five minutes to loosen up my muscles before increasing the speed to a full out sprint.

The gym is pretty quiet today, particularly for a Tuesday evening. Usually it's so busy in here.

I glance around the room as I continue to run. I see a few familiar faces but sadly none of my friends are here yet. I wish Ruby was here with me, not that she'd be much use in a gym with her being almost seven months pregnant. At least I'd have someone to talk to though.

After twenty minutes of running, I start to slow down the machine. I walk slowly for another five minutes before turning the treadmill off altogether. I hop off and grab my bottle of water and pull out my earphones as I make my way towards my new enemy, the weights.

I only started in the gym two months ago and I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Not only is there a hell of a lot of sexy men here, but also, my body is really starting to come into shape. Not that I was in bad shape before but my abs are really starting to look good and, if I do say so myself, my ass is looking amazing. Thank you, squats!

Speaking of sexy men, when I glance up I notice one slowly making his way towards me. He looks vaguely familiar but I can't seem to place his face, which is a shame because he's an absolute God!

His short, dark brown hair is stuck up in all directions, organized chaos as I like to call it. His jaw is supporting a five o'clock shadow that makes me practically squeal in happiness. I don't know about anyone else, but a man with that amount of facial hair is pure perfection!

He's wearing a wife beater that shows off his impressive biceps. It clings to his sculpted frame giving me a little teaser of what's hidden beneath. Before my eyes can travel any lower, he sits down beside me.


"Hey," I say, throwing him a flirty smile.

"I'm Greg. We're in Professor Quirke's European History class together," he tells me and I instantly remember seeing him there before.

He always seems like a shy guy in class, which is probably why I couldn't remember him that well. Now, however, he seems like a totally different guy altogether. Who knew one person could be so different?

"That's where I knew you from," I reply. "Sorry, I couldn't figure where I had recognized you from."

"It's no problem." I practically swoon as he chuckles softly. "A beautiful woman like yourself can't be expected to remember all the guys that chat her up."

I giggle as he winks at me. "I think you've got me mistaken for someone else. I don't get chatted up by any guys."

"You mean to tell me that I've been too shy to ask you out for no reason?" He asks in mock horror, placing his hand on his chest.

I giggle once more and try to school my features before replying.

"You haven't asked me out yet," I throw him another smile.

"You're right."

He looks down at the floor in concentration before standing up. He makes to leave but turns back around after taking a few steps. He freezes in his place and I frown in confusion.

Has he changed his mind?

As if hearing what I've just thought, he spins on his heels and faces me. A soft blush rises on my cheeks and I thank God that I still have my make up on. I feel butterflies in my stomach as he smiles down at me, his brown eyes dancing with amusement.

"I'll meet you tomorrow in the Student Hall at seven. Does that suit?"

Before even giving it a second thought, I reply."Yes!"    

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