All it started with four words

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- Can i help you?
Aida slowly approached the boy at the fireplace. He studied a book, which made her interest grow. She only answered with a short nod, not taking her eyes off him.
- Ah, you're the new fifth year. - he smiled at her warmly. - I'm Sebastian Sallow. Welcome to Slytherin!
- Pleased to meet you! Aida Morgenstern. - replied, then extended her hand for a handshake. What she didn't expect, Sebastian took her hand, leaned forward & gave her a hand kiss.
- Not everyone has a Ministry escort to school, Miss Morgenstern! Honestly, it was an impressive move!
- Uhm... he was a friend of Professor Fig, who merely joined us for the ride. - Aida said with a stoic expression. - But after what happened...
- Dreadful way to go, poor fellow. At least you and Fig are all right.

Aida thought back of yesterday's moments, when that dragon from nowhere just attacked them. It was so close for her to almost die, if it weren't for the portkey.
- Believe me, it was terrifying! We were lucky to escape with our lives.
- Can i ask, how?
Her expression didn't change, yet inside she remembered Fig's words before the Sorting Ceremony. She had to keep it secret.
- Uhm, it's still a bit of a blur... I'm sorry.
- No, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to press. We can talk more later, if you want to.

Aida glanced down at the book he had. Her curiosity kicked in again.
- May I ask, what were you reading before I came here?
- Just a spellbook. - he sighed. - Has a few interesting things, but not exactly what I was looking for.Honestly not every spell you may need can be found in our assigned textbooks.

Not every spell? What does he mean?, thought, as she observed him in curiosity.

- And here you are, learning things, maybe you shouldn't have. - she said. - Pretty bold move, isn't it?
The girl's sudden question made him smile a little. This girl is something, even though she doesn't want to show any kind of emotion. He noticed that last night. Yet, he wanted to know this mysterious girl better.
- No one has to know. - he chuckled, then paused for a moment. - Jokes aside, I wish you good luck for the first day.
- Well, if you say so. Thank you anyway. - she replied, then heard someone was looking for her. To be correct, Professor Weasley has come for her. She did a quick curtsy to say farewell to Sebastian. - I should go. Perhaps we can talk later.
- The pleasure was all mine. - he said, then still watched her, as left quickly. Her manner stunned him. - Well, well, we have a princess among us, as I see.


- Good morning, Professor Weasley! I was informed, you were looking for me. - Aida greeted the professor immediately, when she reached the common room's entrance. She replied with a warm tone.
- Miss Morgenstern, are you ready for your first day at Hogwarts?
- Honestly, I am a little bit nervous... I still cannot believe I'm here. Especially since I joined a bit late compared to the others.
- I can imagine how you are feeling. But you are here now. - she replied. She also told Aida that she must catch up as quickly as possible. Since she's in the fifth year, the O.W.L exams will be held at the end of the year, some of the professors have already compiled assignments for her. For a moment, Aida had doubts, if she would ever make it without any problems. Professor Weasley felt her nervousness, but she calmed her down, telling if Aida might have any problems, she can ask for help anytime.

Meanwhile she was led to the Central Hall, where she can get anywhere from there quickly. According to her schedule, Aida has to attend Charms, and Defense Against Dark Arts on this day. Before she could head to classes, Professor Weasley reminded her not to forget to get her missing supplies from Hogsmeade, which she unfortunately lost during the dragon attack.

After Aida had all the information she needed, she was ready to attend her first classes today. So she had to find the Defense Against Dark Arts classroom first.

In the shadow of emotions (Gonna REWRITE soon)Where stories live. Discover now