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A week had passed until the beloved Foxy of Pirate's cove had shut down, and since the "incident" occurred, the incident infamous to the company for resulting in a loss of many workers. Now, without proper supervision, there was no telling what the robots would do on their performance days, and soon, they would have to shut down. But in need of quick and easy cash, Y/N saves the building and becomes the new guard!


"...To day shift." The middle-aged manager with a ripped blue had lazily replies, stamping your papers.

"Wait, what?" You were shocked, feeling like your coaster rose so high only to collapse down in a devastating crash.

It had been so long since you've been to Freddy Fazbear's. Faint memories of your childhood visiting here were still so memorable, you could easily recall begging to work as all the cool night guards you saw eating their free pizza when you were only 6 years old. Times have changed for you and the company, almost if as your lives have both gone a little downhill. Reading the headline of the newspapers of the incident was a strange way to fully remember this restaurant. But the second after you read the line of the company's desperate request for new workers, you didn't at all hesitate to fulfill that old dream your younger self craved.

But at day shift?? What would you do at day? Recalling your memories, all the day shifers did was clean up spills of molded pizza and clean up the messes of dirty children. There was no way you'd be like that fat depressed dude picking up the literal crap off of the floor that a toddler decided to take.

"Wait, there has to be some mistake. Am I not supposed to be informed of what time I'm working at?? Am I allowed to switch to night??"

Refusing to even meet eye contact, the manager tipped his blue hat and scribbled notes on the papers. "I already have many night-shift requesters, those applicants are simply prioritized. It's nothing personal. The slots have already been filled, and hearing your desperation, letting you have the day shift itself was something I had to think twice over."


"Look, it's either this, or the doors over there." He finally met eyes with you, though it wasn't much of a reveal with his droopy eyelids covering most of his eye. He held out the paper to you. Out of ideas, you gave up and took it. "The restaurant can't be opened for a while. Don't worry about dealing on kids the first day. Everything you have to do is on the paper. Remember, do not tamper with any of the animotronics whatsoever,  their complex technology is not for you to play with. Especially the new shutdown. If one of them moves, please report it. Blah blah blah blah, see you tomorrow."

Half of his speech turned into white noise as you exit the building.

As you gone to the door, you turned to your left and saw the main room of the attraction. It looked exactly like the resteraunt you loved as a child, with obvious changes over the time. The stage was a little dirty along with the entire checker-patterned floor, and the three humanoid animotrimics stood still with their heads down and eyes closed.

It was a day before your possible worst day ever. Why not?

You entered in, staring at the powered-off robots. For robots, they definitely looked oddly realistic in their human-parts. The skin, hair, and eyes all looked and behaved like actual people when they were on, but it was probably a complex performance of illusional appearance. They probably felt like metal and plastic if you would actually touch them.

Looking to the left of the stage, and to the right, you noticed two signs saying with bold red: "DO NOT TOUCH THE ROBOTS."

You didn't recall that sign when you came here. In fact, you vividly remembered how often the other children would reach out their hands to touch the robots, and how they'd smartly invite with their stretched-out arms for a high-five.

You turn to face the right-side of the room, holding empty space with cobwebbed-corners and a cove with purple starry-paterned cloth covering the entrance. Dust had already accumulated on the fabric, and on the newly-placed sign reading "Out of Order". You then remember- a week ago, the animotronic Foxy had malfunctioned and attacked a child who tried to climb on his leg. The details were incredibly left out on the paper. Most likely they had cut and sugar-coated a lot of the incident to avoid a further bad reputation.

You had to admit, you did miss the tunes and joy Foxy would bring to the attraction. But it'd be understandable why he had to be removed. If the child had been injured, they would be facing multiple lawsuits and would have to completely break the robot.

A shameful secret you had was how much you'd feel so connected to these animotronics. Even though they were robots, there was something about them that had connected with you so deeply. Likely, it mightve been their convincing human appearance that's doing who-knows-what psychologically, but that doesn't shake off that feeling.

You felt a little bad for Foxy. When he had performed at your time, you could remember all the sob story's he would tell and his adventures he experienced. The time where a bird had pecked his eye, how he had lost his foot to a bear.. Or maybe it mightve been a two-foot long seagull. It was still a long time ago.

But even a pirate has to eventually retire. It wouldnt be surprising if Foxy had been replaced. "You poor soul.." you mumbled.

As you stared the middle of the curtain opening, only showing a line of dark where you'd recall the memories- being strangely much more vivid now- of when Foxy would used to thrust his head through and start his symphony, you realized the lights had turned off.

A little fear of the dark grasped you. You immedietly ran to the exit, but it was locked. You hit, slammed, and assaulted the door, but no use. "Damn it, I'm going to be late.."

Noticing a keyhole, you immedietly run back to the manager's office, hoping to at least find a key- or even better the manager- to let you out. However, there was neither of both, but instead papers of the incident scattered all across the table. You quickly shuffled through them, hoping to catch a phone number at least, but instead find a stickey-note.

"The keys are in the cove"

Not wasting any moment, you run back to the main room, but the curtains were already wide open with.. nothing in it?

"Well well well, a poor soul now, am i? I had been called more interesting names, but a 'poor soul' is definitely new.."

Turning around, you eye at a hot sexy pirate boy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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