1. Prologue: The BEYONDER's Ideas

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The BEYONDERS, a mysterious race of extradimensional beings of infinite power from another plane of existence. The BEYONDERS meddled and experimented within the OMNIVERSE numerous times throughout history commonly MARVEL. The BEYONDERS are commonly one of the most powerful omnipotent races in existence rivaling only the ARACHANGELS that are common in DC.

The Omniverse is comprised of every single universe, multiverse, megaverse, dimension (alternate or pocket), realm, and every other universe ever mentioned or seen (and an infinite amount never mentioned or seen). The Omniverse includes even literary work, television shows, movies, and urban legends. The Omniverse also includes work published by every company. Fanfictions, cancelled work, fantasies, wishes of thoughts created by people, future comic book publishing companies, and fictional universes yet to be published are considered part of the Omniverse; simply put, the Omniverse is every version of reality and existence imaginable and unimaginable. Even existence and non-existence.

The BEYONDERS are named after their Realm, which is beyond normal space and time. They do not experience time chronologically. Even amongst the various amount of other extra-dimensional and cosmic entities, they are a mystery. Their dimension has been shown both as a lightless universe, as a universe of pure white and a reality composed of multi-colored pipes similar in appearance to their creation, the Concordance Engine.

 Their dimension has been shown both as a lightless universe, as a universe of pure white and a reality composed of multi-colored pipes similar in appearance to their creation, the Concordance Engine

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A member of the BEYONDERS, has observed MARVEL & DC for most of his existence, until he decided to look for something new to observe and learn about. The BEYONDER has decided to look into the anime portion of the Omniverse such as: Dragon Ball, One Piece, Naruto, One Punch Man, and etc. The BEYONDER liked those universes but was more far interested in a particular universe, The "My Hero Academia" Universe. The BEYONDER looked into the universe, saw how different their ways were, and was very observant of their main protagonist "Izuku Midoriya". The BEYONDER saw the canon universe's story from the beginning to its current position and learned about Quirks, OFA & AFO, and their ARCS including the MANGA. He then set his sights on another universe just like the canon, but only slightly different with several women fell in love with Izuku, including a few new characters. He really admired the main protagonist's ways in this universe, until he came up with a brilliant idea. 

The BEYONDER then teleported to his realm and created alternate earths of their universe to explore his interest and learning

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The BEYONDER then teleported to his realm and created alternate earths of their universe to explore his interest and learning.

BEYONDER - Alright my alternate earths are ready for their timelines. Let's see what our main character will do in these scenarios.

After his earths have gone through so much in their history, he thought he would watch them all like a TV show. Before the BEYONDER could do anything else, he came up with another great idea a live audience would be better in this situation. The BEYONDER then went to their universe, planting several energy signatures in Japan to gather his audience, he also went to a higher dimension to gather more participants.

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