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There she was

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There she was. Lee Ju-won. The girl with the long black hair and dark brown eyes. She sat on her bed. Her eyes focused on the picture on her night table.

She hugged the big squishmallow, her brother gave her at her birthday last week. Tears in her eyes which she tried to hold back the whole day.

Her eyes switched on her phone which laid in front of her and vibrated.

She looked at the bold letters which said it was 02:13 am in the morning.

June 26th, 02:13 am.

This day. June 26th.

Ju-won looked back at the picture on her night table. The picture showed her, her older brother Heeseung and her parents. All of them happy.

It was already one year. One year without her parents. Only Ju-won and Heeseung.

One year ago, june 26th 2022, Ju-won and Heeseung's parents died in a big car accident. Ju-won was in the car too.


They wanted to pick up Heeseung from work. But shortly before they reached the big hybe building, a big van ran into their car. Heeseung was already waiting outside.

After seeing one car hit another, he was startled. His eyes quickly filled with tears. He screamed before running towards the pile of rubble and seeing his sister lying unconscious on the ground.

He noticed that people were crowding around the massacre and some of them called the ambulance and police. Himself, crying in front of his family lying on the floor. He picked up his sister, carrying her in a bridal style and ran towards a bench with his sister unconscious in his arms.

He probably knew it was already too late to save his parents. Finally he heard the siren sounds.

He patted his younger sister's head, trying to wake her up. He checked if she was breathing and she was. Only barely but enough to let Heesung know she wasn't dead. Finally an ambulance came running towards Heeseung.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Kim, I think we know each other"

"Yes, you are Sunoo's father. I am Heeseung."

"Hello Heeseung, do you know the girl?"

"Yes, this is Ju-won, my sister...." His voice broke through his crying. "Please help her! She's only 16. My parents are over there under the cars too."

Heeseung's eyes filled with tears again. He never would have thought to see his family almost dead before his eyes. His parents probably dead.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine. Where did you find her?"

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