Chapter 1: The Winglet Placements

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Shadowhunter flew through the sky with the other RainWings and NightWings that were heading to The Jade Mountain Academy. She was excited and nervous all at once, she wasn't sure how to feel about leaving her mother, Hope, alone back in their small hut back in the rainforest.

"I wonder why Queen Glory is summoning us to the middle of the rainforest?" One of Shadowhunter's friends, a small NightWing with a bubbly personality named Startail asked, her tail twitching and her light purple eyes wide. Shadowhunter just shrugged her wings in response and turned to one of her other friends.

"We'll just have to wait and see," Swiftflyer said, rolling her emerald green eyes and twitching her tail back and forth. "Well, we're finally here!" Another one of Shadowhunter's friends, a NightWing with indigo and navy blue scales named Mindreader spoke up excitedly. Shadowhunter grinned excitedly, she was wondering what the RainWing Queen wanted to tell them that was so important.

When they all landed on the forest floor, Queen Glory was already there waiting for them. After everyone had quieted down, the Queen began speaking. "You have all been accepted to join the Jade Mountain Academy. I am proud of each and everyone of you." The Queen said, her scales a bright pink. Shadowhunter blinked in surprise, Jade Mountain Academy?

"I wish you all a safe flight and I hope you will all enjoy the first four months at the academy." And with those final words, the large group of RainWings and NightWings all took of and flew off into the afternoon skyline.

Those words made Shadowhunter's heart feel warm for the next few hours as she travelled to Jade Mountain. The Queen was proud of her... Okay, Queen Glory was proud of all of the students. But still, she was talking to her as well. It was not often any dragon would hear their Queen say such things to them, at least directly.

When the trees of the Rainforest Kingdom began to vanish and the land became steeper and mountainous, Shadowhunter knew that, for the first time in her memory, she had left the rainforest that had been her home for most of her life.

Now, she had entered Jade Mountain range to the west.

Excitement and nervousness filled her mind just as much as the chill in the air, causing her scales to shake. Beside her, she felt the tips of her mother's wings touch her own.

"We're almost there," Hope told her. Shadowhunter knew that. The closer the group flew to the Dragon jaw like mountain formation, Shadowhunter knew that the school would be even closer.

Hope had not bothered asking Shadowhunter how she felt, because she knew that the way she was quiet today was all she needed to know about the conflicting feelings of nervousness and excitement. But her mother, ever the greatest mom in the world, did not press her into speaking. Instead she was just there, in case Shadowhunter needed to speak with her.

That was one of the many things she would miss about her mother while she attended school and she would be travelling across the continent. Her just being there for her when she needed her most.

Distant wing beats drew Shadowhunter back to the present, and she realized that the RainWings and NightWings had reached their destination before she even saw it.

Groups of dragons from different tribes all converged on one area of the mountain, and it was the same place that the RainWings and NightWings were heading.

The Jade Mountain Academy.

Carved out of a section of the mountain range, the school made use of the interior caves. Holes doted this section of the mountain, used as various entrances and windows for the inhabitants. The academy itself had grown in the past six years, according to Moon. With the increase in staff for the academy and the addition of other classes, it only made sense that the school itself would expand further into the mountain.

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