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Going up the elevator and walking out, Simon finally makes it to the fourth floor.

He turns around to see a jumble of furniture stacked on top of each other. 'Geez,' Simon contemplates.

He turns back around and walks into the long corridor. He spots a note on the floor. Simon mentally prepares himself for what he's about to read.

This one was a good one. Very nice to kill.
Easy to cut with my knife, like to cut food.

"Sick," Simon cringes. What was the note talking about? What was being cut? Simon brushed it off and ignored what he had just witnessed.

As he moved forward, Simon got another text from the same number.


In here.

Simon looked up and turned his head to the door right next to him.

Blood was splattered on the floor and on the front of the door. He could hear groaning from the other side.

Simon hoped it wasn't one of those monsters. He could feel goosebumps run along his arms to the back of his neck as he opened the door.

He tiptoes inside, but nothing came after him. The groaning was a bit louder and more dragged. Simon looked over to the door on his right. He shook a little as he put his arm out to open the door.

Simon opened the door and peeked inside. His eyes shot wide open at the scene in front of him.

"Oh no..." He mumbled

A bathtub filled to the brim with blood and a man sitting in the red liquid. Pills sat on the corner of the tub.
Simon walked closer, "Did he do this to himself?" He asked himself. Simon looked over to see a girl hunched over with blood everywhere.

Simon observed the girl.

Stained clothes, messy hair, bruises along her arms, and nose bleeding. He grimaced at the sight. Simon wondered if she had anything to do with the dead guy in the bathtub.

Looking back over at the man, Simon noticed something inside the tub. "Hmm. There's a key in the tub."

He went to go grab it when a small voice was heard, "Help me please..." He turns around as he puts the key in his bag. He looks at the girl against the wall.

Somehow, Simon felt some sort of sympathy knowing that this girl was on the brink of death.

He was going to leave her there because he didn't want another problem on his hands, but the only problem was that he was by himself. He was alone this whole time. Should he trust her? What was she doing here anyway?

He thought about it and decided to help the poor girl. He kneeled in front of her. " Are you okay?" He asked. He mentally slapped his face. 'Of course she's not okay. What the fuck man.' He sighed and pulled her against the wall to see what other injuries she had.

The girl hissed in pain as she was being held up. "Sorry..." Simon quickly shot out. She seemed to have no other forms of harm inflicted on her.

Cry of Fear (Simon Henriksson x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now