Cast/Meet The Band

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           Starring as

  Amihan Eslanada
       The Goth Rhythm Guitarist

             Adrian Greensmith          Starring as  Hunter Sylvester        The Smitten Lead Guitarist

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    Adrian Greensmith
          Starring as
Hunter Sylvester 
      The Smitten Lead Guitarist

             Adrian Greensmith          Starring as  Hunter Sylvester        The Smitten Lead Guitarist

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     Jaeden Martell
       Starring as

Kevin Schlieb
The best drummer to walk the earth

Kevin SchliebThe best drummer to walk the earth

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Isis Hainsworth
   Starring as

  The Hottest Cello Player Alive

Emily  The Hottest Cello Player Alive

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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