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(I'm gonna start switching to POVs because the beginning is done, if that makes any sense.)



[Name], the girl I just met, and I were walking down the hall in silence. Footsteps echo throughout the building.

We entered another room to see what we could find. I found more magazines and threw them inside my bag.

[Name] was looking in the kitchen but found nothing interesting. "I did grab a cleaver just in case." She informed me. I looked at the large knife in her grasp.

It was intimidating to even glace at. "Okay, sounds good enough," I replied.

We walked out the door and heard another scream.

I snapped my head in the direction the scream came from, but I couldn't see anything. "Simon, what was that?" [Name] asked me, shaking, "It's one of those monsters, get out of the way, it could jump from anywhere!" I yelled.

The monster came running at me and threw its arms around, trying to scratch me. I reloaded my gun and started shooting the monster.

[Name] ran down the hall back where we just were. I shot the monster a final time as it screeched and fell to the ground.

I walked back to where we came from, but I couldn't find [Name].

"[Name]! Where are you?" I yelled, looking around. "I'm over here Simon, just walk down a little more, but hurry up, I found something!" I rushed over to where I heard her voice, and I finally found [Name] after a few minutes.

"Look, simon," [Name] pointed at the bars that blocked us from going in that direction.

It seemed like the hallway ended at where the elevator was. I sighed and dropped my head. When was this nightmare going to end? I looked back up, "I might know a way we can get out of this place."

Turning my head towards [Name]. She looked at me and nodded.

We walked back to the room where I had walked across the planks to get to the second floor.

I pointed my finger towards the outside while i walked around to see if I could find anything else before we left. [Name] walked out to the balcony.

Bad idea.

A monster fell from the floor above us and landed right onto [Name]'s back. "AH!" She yelled out. I ran outside, pulled out my switchblade, and started brutally attacking the monster.

I pushed the monster back so it wasn't on top of [Name] anymore, and it fell off the balcony screaming. In the process, it scratched my cheek.

I collapsed and dropped the blade, trying to catch my breath. I turn my head to look at [Name].

I winced at the deep gash on her shoulder. She was still lying on the balcony floor, groaning and moaning in pain, but she still was able to push herself back up slowly.

"Are you alright [Name]?" She nodded her head and held a hand out to me. I look at her hand and grasp it, hauling my ass up and gaining balance.

Cry of Fear (Simon Henriksson x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now