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Having attended a handful of ostentatious events exclusive designed for the wealthy to socialise, I had become familiar with the overwhelming sense of arrogance that consumed the guests. It was nothing I hadn't encountered before, as I managed to muster slight interest in the conversations I was ushered into. Usually, I entertained myself by flirting with the attractive rich men who came hand in hand with these functions, but that wasn't the same today.

Excusing myself from the invigorating conversation about the Van Der Fuck's family ski trip, I grabbed Myles' forearm dragging him with me to the nearest waiter with champagne. He muttered behind me, as I guided him through the huddles of people. Thanking a young waiter, I grabbed two flutes and shoved one into Myles' palm. He laughed in approval, both taking a large sip.

'This is the shittest party I have ever been too!' He chuckled in disbelief, 'Next person who tries talking to me, I'm going to bark at.'

A large smile tugged on my lips at his dramatics, though I couldn't find any reason to disagree with him. We had been here for less than an hour but time was dragging out every second. I was ready to leave as well, but I was yet to see Alexander. I hadn't tried to look for him, instead wanting him to find his way to me. Admittedly, Myles' company helped to ease my frustration with his childlike whining and jokes.

'Please do! I don't think I can handle anymore small talk.' I rolled my eyes, taking another sip of wine.

'Why the hell did us bring here then you mug?' He exclaimed playfully, in turn taking a sip of wine.

'There's nothing better to do. You would have just been at home scratching your balls or crying probably.' I countered his point, avoiding the real reason.

He chuckled in his boyish charm, shaking his head at my claim. The small dimple on his left cheek accompanied his illuminated grin. The suit he wore added to the charming aura that radiated out him. Myles was the perfect poster boy in this moment, with a carefree smile plastered on his face. It was a startling contrast to me, stood opposite him with illicit sins to hide. Despite the nagging ache that reminded how I had initially invited him as a pawn in my toxic game, I was glad he was here.

'You really need to stop staring people down like that.' He snapped his fingers in front my face, 'It's so intense it's intimidating.'

My eyes blinked a couple times, as I felt my cheek twitch. I grimaced to him in annoyance. It seemed to bother him more than me. A lot of my problems seemed to affect his feelings than my own. One mystery that boggled my mind: how can someone give a shit about my life so bad?

'You look handsome tonight.' I stayed catching sight of a tall waitress in the corner of my eye, twirling to pinch another two glasses.

Caught off guard by my comment, he cocked his head letting a small chuckle out.

'That's why I was staring at you.' I said, gifting him another glass.

His bright face became clouded, his eye narrowing in behind me. Without having to look myself, I stood stiff as his rich voice spoke centimetres behind me. Myles' crossed his arms over his chest in an animalistic defence. Body language says more than words and I had no doubt a blind man could tell that Myles did not like Alexander.

'Hello Evelyn. It's good to see you.' He spoke coldly, not sparing a single glance in Myles' direction.

Being so close to him was fever inducing, as he effortlessly towered over me. I took a subtle step back due to the proximity of our bodies. Myles' met my side, as we all now stood together.

'Hello Mr Stanton. Nice to see you too.' I replied in collected manner, used to having act like acquaintances towards him, 'This my date, Myles.'

He finally acknowledged Myles, extending his thick arm to shake hands. In my peripheral, I could see Myles hesitation to meet his palm. It was a rigid interaction, as they shook the others hand.

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