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'Hola diario,

Hoy, mi familia y yo vamos a England para mi escuela nuevo, Hogwarts,'

I was cut off suddenly when i heard my madre - my mum - yell,

"Kate, vamos!" I sighed, and slammed my notebook shut. There goes THAT idea about writing about my "experience" traveling from New Mexico to England. I packed the last few things into my already over-stuffed bags and tossed it into our minivan. Since my madre was so cheap, we were DRIVING all the way to New York where we'd take a ship, yes, a SHIP, to London, where we'd live in our casa nuevo (what do they call it... new flat?) and live happily ever after, right?


I sat in the back seat, as far away as possible from by brother - Pete. I jammed my headphones into my ears, and turned the music up as loud as it could go, and closed my eyes. I didn't really want to listen to mi madre and hermano bicker all the way to New York. Though, my escape plan didn't last too long.

About 15 seconds into Bruno Mars' new song, my headphones were ripped out of my ears. I whipped my head around and saw my face a centimeter from my brother's leering one. I glared at him.

"What was that for?" I exclaimed.

"I don't want to listen to that muggle crap you call music," he responded easily, and sat back, crossing his long arms. My brother had inherited my padre's side of the family; though I've never seen him. Pete had sandy coloured hair and deep blue eyes, which perfectly fit his tall, lanky posture. Though his attitude wasn't so perfect. He was a rude, ungrateful little rat to me, and I was rude back.

Pete threw my headphones back at me, and turned on The Weird Sisters. "Let's listen to some REAL music," he smirked. I rolled my eyes as the electric guitar started, and put my headphones back in my ears, trying to plug out the sound.

I must've fallen asleep, because next thing I knew, my shouldet was being violently shaken.

"Aye, Kate, wake up!" I blinked several times, slightly alarmed. I winced as I peeled my face off the seatbelt.

"Wh-where are we?" I groaned

"Arkansas," my madre responded. I groaned again.


"Around 3am," she responded. I groaned again, this time it sounded more like a growl than anything. I unbuckled my seatbelt, and fell out. I tried to stand up again, and my legs gave out. Sitting on the dust ground, I sat there dizzy.

"Hija, es salude?"

I sighed, "Si madre. Just dizzy." She frowned, and responded,

"Must be how fast we were traveling."

"Yeah... I guess so," I frowned, and took a deep breath before standing up unsteadily. The world spun, and i stumbled back against the dusty minivan.

"Hija? Hija!" The world grew black and fuzzy.

"Kate! KATE!"

And then it all disappeared.

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