Mr. Atom

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Mr. Adam is tall, blond and the most beautiful and horrible person you will ever meet. All he does is go to shows and spend daddy's money. If you asked him who I was he'd say scum. Not because he hates me but because that's just how he is. We first saw each other When I was five. My ma liked to splurge on nice dresses and pretend to shop at the fancy grocery stores. She'd dress me up like a sad old man and we'd walk the aisles like we could actually afford to even buy a grain of salt. One time she bumped her cart into another lady, clearly someone's personal cook, who had ended up dropping all the eggs in her bag. I don't remember my mom offering to pay for it but honestly I spent most of the time staring at the little boy standing behind her. He looked sad. When I had asked what was wrong while we waited for ma and the lady to finish fighting over who would pay for the eggs he just looked at me like I killed his dog. The first thing Mr. Adam ever told me was that he wasn't allowed to talk to poor people. Now I had watched Ma steal enough from these high end stores to know that he was right but that didn't mean I wasn't offended. I told him he was ugly and went back with ma. Those eggs had us staying at grandmas for a while. I hate grandmas.

If you'll believe it, I'm actually buying eggs for Mr. Adam right now. Currently he's at a charity event and he hates charity events. I think it's because he hates being called by his fathers name. Nonetheless he'll be forced to shake hands with the poor souls that live in the homeless shelter his father runs, which means he will be spending an unbelievable amount of time scrubbing at his hands. Just the perfect amount of time for me to place some eggs right in front of his car.

"One of these days he's gonna catch you" says a voice that I'm always so excited to hear.

Lily's Mr. Adams personal chauffeur. She's the biggest supporter of this game I play with him. I've been torturing him with eggs since last October when he said that he hated them in an interview. In all honesty I've been throwing eggs in areas I know he'll find them since we were 13. Lilly caught me in January after I started doing it much more frequently. She thought it was funny that Mr. Adams gets so mad when he sees them and I pay her with home made pastries.

"And when he does, my amazing good looks will make him fall to his knees and forgive me" I say while arranging the eggs to make a heart on the hood of his car. Lilly rolls her eyes and helps me out. She's been doing that more as we've gotten to know each other.

" It's amazing that he hasn't figured out it's you. What was the last thing you said to him, 'how eggcellent it is to see you'"

" again he's simply blinded by my charm"

" I wouldn't call bad egg puns and an obvious infatuation charm but ok"

" It's not infatuation. I'm making a statement on the upper class and how they take good food for granted"

" by egging his car in the shape of a heart?"

She makes this face like she knows eggsactly what I'm actually feeling. I hate it. It reminds me of ma.

"Done! Well I better get going before Mr. Adams comes back and ruins our fun"

" Mhm. bye Ronny don't get arrested"

" LOVE YOU TO LILLY" I scream as I run from the scene. I like to hide in the nearest gas stations because Mr. Adams always stops by to buy himself a donut. With all that money you'd think he'd just buy one from the fancy bakery next to his apartment but no, his favorite are the gross chemical filled ones from the drug store. He truly is a mystery.

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