ENDTRO-1: Auto Driving

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*Elsewhere VHS #1
You put the easiest memory in.

Going back to san francisco, the business of the city, noises of the road, and cars flying by stun Liam from resting as he sees the bright skies in the morning. He noticed it wasn't the back alley anymore but it was the golden gate bridge he ends up in.. The number led him to the bridge but it felt the same. The oridinary and good times that could easily fall at a distance and never be seen again.

Liam held the smartphone and tried checking what was on it but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't focus on the words properly. It had something to do with 'important memories' and this scent candle. It's like it didn't even mean a thing anymore. It was almost like he wanted to finally get a chance to sleep. He didn't know where else to go so he just gazed at the sky for a while.

Furthermore, a rush of wind pushed by; hinting to the orange van rushing beside him. An interesting nail opened the door, holding a phone up to his head, rushed behind him.

The stranger yelled,
"Wait.. NO WAY! It can't be him.. Hey, HEY, I'm right HERE! I haven't seen you in who knows how long..."

Before grabbing his shivering hand, sounds like trying to get some autograph from a famous celebrity. Was he really that popular?

"Oh, hi there. Have I known you before?"
Liam spoke in a soft tone while hiding this second-hand embarrasment.

He turned towards the nail feeling this, well, unfamiliarity.. Not sure what to say, he reluctantly shook their hand to greet them. What was that thing called again?

"Yeah.. I'm Owen. Your friend messaged me on an app about where you could've went so, I looked here just to make sure."

Who was that friend he had and why did he really care about him? His mind went blank after he said that.

"I'm one of his old friends and we both we're at the convenince store again. He hopped on a flight to Conneticut so... he hadn't talked to me for.. well.. years. Before that, you weren't here for over ten but seriously, tell me what went wrong?"

"I don't know yet.. Just... just tell me what I have to do here. Can't figure this out myself."

"Hmm.. Well.. The police checked the records and they found no proof you flew to Australia. All they found was some kind of weird website. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Look, I don't know exactly what to tell you anymore. I just feel more exhausted than usual.."

"That's fine. You used to be my co-worker but I'd like to help you. What even made you disappear like that anyway..?"

As the person waited for a response, Liam looked down and froze in silence. He couldn't process any of it. The cave in that forest burnt down, that white space was gone, so much was happening during a long detachment from reality. He sighed and guessed maybe he didn't know anymore.

"Liam, I was forgetting about you too until the guy told me you were here."

"Well, Since you know him, I'll trust you."


Liam sits in the back of the van, trying to force himself to sleep through the noises. While Owen is driving, he plays some gentle ambient music to let him relax. The colors were getting warmer as soothing sunlight hit the glass of the car shining brightly.
As they came acrossed many buildings and states, they stop at more places to sleep, eat, drink and get the car fuel to start it all over again. Marketing, Scents, Bright lights(totly not a referenc), Radio stations, and visuals with different landscapes that were seen before.

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