He saved me

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I was stood there,everyone around me screaming,but me I was silent,I didn't move the only movement I did make was from other fans bumping into me. I stared at Vic,admiring his voice wondering how he got so perfect. I didn't understand how,but he was. He was about to. Sing Kissing In Cars and he said he wanted a girl to sing to,he pointed at me. He got one of the. Backstage crew to get me,as I walked onto stage Mike smiled at me,I could see Vic waiting I sat on the chair,he was stood beside. He whispered to me ,I noticed you,your the girl that stood there not doing anything,I also noticed your wrists,I figured out why you was so delicate and so still and silent in that crowd,its okay beautiful. He smiled. I felt so special those words he said to me meant the world. He then looked up into the crowd&asked me my name and age,so I told him Alex Keeling,I'm 19 years old. Vic told the fans,they screamed and he began to sing,looking into my eyes,at one point he looked down at my wrists I saw a tear in his eye,I looked up at him&he closed his eyes,bit his lip&carried on singing to me in front of 580,000 people. Once the song had finished Vic told me to wait backstage for him and the guys after the show.

An hour later,the show had finished and I saw the guys coming backstage Vic ran over to me and said to cover my wrists because he wanted to help me,but didn't want the guys to find out yet. Then he called the guys over Mike,was the first to come over and my god wasn't he beautiful,so perfect he kissed me on the hand,then Tony he came over shouting at Vic,telling him not to be such a diva,I laughed and Tony whispered to me,seriously Vic has always been a diva,I looked at Vic,he looked confused and asked me what? Me and Tony just laughed,his smile was perfect,Then Jamie,Jamie was gorgeous,everything was perfect he said hey to me,his voice was deep,but soft it gave me shivers. But there was something about Vic,I've never been a one to 'fan girl' over the lead singer of a band but Vic was different to just a lead singer of a band,he was down to earth his smile was amazing,it was like just me and him were in a room,we had a connection

Soon the guys went home and Vic offered me a ride home,I told him I didn't want to go back there,he didn't understand,he told me it was my family and they loved me,I told him I couldn't and I need somewhere to stay,at this point I started to cry,my body was shaking he pulled me in close and wiped my tears away and hugged me telling me it was okay

Vics POV

I didn't understand Alex,didn't want to go home she cried,I couldn't just sit there and let her cry like that,she was so beautiful,gorgeous,her eyes sparkled,her big blue eyes I got lost in them every time she looked at me. I wanted to cry myself,she was in a state I hate seeing my fans like this,she was so delicate,I held her and she just shaked,she asked me if I could go home with her to get some things then to drop her off at a hotel,I agreed I couldn't let her go home like this

We were driving to Alex's house and I just had to ask about her cuts,I asked her why,she was so beautiful she didn't need to do this to herself,she's 19 she has her whole life ahead of her,and she was self harming making herself ill, she told me she had lost her mum,her mum was the closest person that she had,her mum accepted her for the music she liked,for the things she did. But now she lives with her dad and two sisters,her dad doesn't understand and she told me they argued a lot and she hated that,she also said her dad hurts her,I sat up& I questioned her how does he hurt you? Emotionally or? No Alex please don't say he does... She didn't reply she told me she was sorry,a tear streamed down my face,I didn't know what to do

Alex's POV

I told Vic,he looked upset and confused it was hard for me to tell him that but he understood we got to my house and he came in with me,holding my hand as we walked upto the house. He came into my bedroom with me and saw a poster of him and Kellin Quinn on my wall. He laughed and asked me who do I love more? I told him I couldn't answer that he laughed again and said if kellin was here he would persuade you to pick him,I smiled and looked down at the floor and picked my bag of things up,we left the house and got back into Vics car

I told Vic that I would stay at a hotel tonight,he told me no and that I would come back with him

Vics POV

I couldn't let her stay at a hotel alone,not with the state she's in,I want her to come back with me,I just want to know Alex will be safe tonight

Alex POV

So we got to Vic's,I got out the car and went to get my bags but Vic got them for me,he walked me to his room and told me I could have his bed and he'd stay in the guest room with the smaller bed,thank you I replied he smiled and said it was okay and he didn't mind he hugged me and whispered good night in my ear but as we came away from each we gazed into each others eyes,I leant in so did he I bit my lip as he ran his hands through my hair I closed my eyes and he kissed me


Alex's skin was so soft,her eyes were so big I got lost I,I.. Ran out of things to say and she was there right in front of me looking beautiful she was upset I kissed her soft,lush lips that tasted like strawberries she gently tugged on my lower lip as she moved away I opened my eye and Alex told me she was sorry and ran into my room,I tried opening the door but she was sat against it,I sat the other waiting for her to come out..

He saved meWhere stories live. Discover now