DWMA is hell

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**This is my first book it might be a bit crappy and this * little thing is an action and here's all the things you need to know. Y/n: Your name F/c Favorite color E/c Eye color H/c Hair Color** 

    Lolita! Get your ass up or were gonna be late for are first day at DWMA! Huh? Oh yeah, sorry y/n... Ok I'm gonna go make breakfast. It'll be ready in 20 or so minutes. *You walk downstairs to make pancakes and bacon for breakfast* Lolita! Are you done yet? Coming! *Lolita runs down the stairs and sits at one of the bar stools* Smiley pancakes just the way you like them! And there perfectly symmetrical. Jeez Y/n whats it with you and symmetry? It reminds me of him. His dreamy eyes, beautiful hair and flawless face and clothes! I just pray his blood type isn't D or else... Yeah don't want your fangs to slip or your ears and tail. That'd be pretty bad everyone probably hate you and want you dead! Besides why are you fangirling over a guy who you only saw once? Because I can Lolita, It was love at first sight! Oh my gosh girl...*I sit down next to Lolita and we eat* This is good Y/n! Yeah probably because I your loveable Meister made it! *I look at the clock* We gotta leave in 5 minutes! Oh gosh I hope were not late! *I grab are bags and put on my shoes and take care of my plate while Lolita finishes her food* Ok I'm ready! Are you done eating? I'm done! *I grab her plat and clean up while she puts her shoes one* Ready? Yep! *We grab are bags and I put a trench coat and hat on and head to the school while arguing about who gets to sleep with Moomoo tonight which is are cat* Watch out! *Bam! I ran into to someone* I'm sorry! Are you o- *It's the dreamy boy! Oh gosh what should I do?!*

                                                                                   ~Kids Pov~

     Watch out! *I run smack dab into someone* I'm sorry! Are you o- C'mon girl spit it out! It's rude to leave a sentence unfinished! *I get up and make sure i'm symmetrical that's when I finally get a good look at her* OH MY HEAVENS! YOUR SO ASYMMETRICAL! IT'S UN-AESTHETICALLY PLEASING! WERE YOU RAISED IN A BARN?! Yeah?! Well your the one with three stripes in his hair that are only on the left! Oh you're right! I'm garbage asymmetrical piece of garbage!! *I fall to the ground crying* You should throw me in the trash on trash day!

                                                                                  ~Your pov~

    Hey hey hey! Calm down! I love symmetry to but you don't need to die all because your asymmetrical! *I help the dreamy boy up and his nose is bleeding I feel my fangs start to slip and I can smell his blood and it's D type. I quickly grab Lolita and drag her away with me* Hey! What are you doing?! *I whisper* His blood is D type! Do you want me to get killed?! No... Hey! Were are you guys going? To class! *Me and Lolita hurry so that way nothing happens* Oh god....DWMA is gonna be a living hell! 

**Mwahaha how was that for my first chapter? I don't own any characters except for Lolita she is mine and all the characters are from Soul Eater**

Life is a mess without symmetry  a Kid x Y/n storyWhere stories live. Discover now