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"Hey, we're all here" another famliar voice reached Ju-won's ears.

"Oh my god! Jungwon, Sunghoon, Jay, Jake, Sunoo and Riki!!! I missed you so much!"

Ju-won ran towards the group and hugged them.

"Heyyy, slowly little girl haha. We missed you too." Jay said while laughing at his member's little sister.

"Heeseung always said you were busy with studying and things. But I think he just wanted you for himself hahaha. " Jake laughed.

"Haha. But to be honest I was really very busy with studying haha. Yunah and I meet almost every day to learn together lol. I'm still trying to catch up the material they did when I missed school last year. I think if Riki would be my tutor, everything would be way easier haha. Yunah is very smart, yes, but she really needs to learn how to explain." Ju-won explained.

"Yes, I'm sorry but I was very busy at that time so I had to go to mrs. park to make sure Yunah will tutor you." Riki seemed a bit shy.

"It's okay, no need to apologize"

After that one of the staff members called the group members to go to a very important meeting.

"Hey ju, you can just stay here or go to the cafeteria if you want. Here's some money for you. I'll be back in about half an hour. Take care of yourself!" Heeseung said while grabbing her wrist to give her money to buy some food.

"Okay, hee:) Don't worry I'll be fine. Have fun! " Ju-won replied.


After Heeseung left for the meeting Ju-won went to the cafeteria. She bought herself a coffee and a chocolate flavoured Donut. She always ate chocolate donuts whenever she was at her brother's office so it felt very familiar to eat it.

She searched for a quiet place to sit to enjoy her food and her coffee. She sat down on a bench near the recording studio. She took a bite of the donut and took a sip of her coffee.

But then she choked up on the donut and started coughing. She placed her coffee next to her and held her palm over her mouth. She couldn't stop coughing.

Then a staff member came to her.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?" he asked. She noticed it was a young man. Maybe 17 or 18.

"Uhh yes, could you maybe bring me a glass of water?" Ju-won asked before coughing two more times.

"Yes, of course, just wait a minute. I'll be back in a second, don't move."

After two minutes he returned with a glass of water.

"Thank you" Ju-won said before taking a few sips of the water.

"No problem. By the way, I'm Choi Sungjin. Nice to meet you."

Ju-won looked at him with her dark eyes and smiled.

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