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Taehyung's POV:
"I have to meet someone, so I'm just dropping you off at your dorm," I spoke to jungkook, who was busy drinking banana milk.

"Hm~ whom are you meeting today?" He asked me, and I just rolled my eyes while driving the car. "Not your business," I replied, "It's business to keep an eye on you," he smirked, and I looked at him.

"Jin hyng said to," he giggled just when I gave him a glare. "Tell him no need to worry, I know how to deal with my life." I said, and he scuked onto the straw, making sound.

"As if, I'm telling you stop spending your nights with wrong women who only care about your money and looks," He's giving me advice? Oh, wow, cool!

Wasn't he the one who told me to get involved in this stuff, and it may be fun for me now? I'm indulged in this, so he says to me to pull out.

"Well, if Jin hyung told you to look after me, then I should really tell him that you were the one who -" he stopped me in between. "No- no - no- no!" He regretted his decision, and it made me laugh.

I parked the car in front of his dorm, "Here," I said, and he unbuckled his seatbelt, "See you tomorrow, and don't be late on the first day, please!" He said and got off from the car.

I just drove off from there to Selena's place. She got in the car, closing the door harshly. "What's wrong with you?" I asked her, and she looked pissed.

"What's wrong with me? You did exactly what I told you not to!" She clutched her jaw. "Oh - but it's my life, I have the right to live it the way I want to!" I rolled my eyes. She held the water bottle from the bottle holder and opened.

"Hey- what -" she splashed the water at me. "You're a brat! Punk! Jerk! Bastard! Son of a-" before she could say something ahead. I took out my gun.

I opened the car door of her side. "Out! I may be a shameless man who spends his nights with different women, but I am a gentleman, too! Who knows how to respect women. Don't ever speak shit about my parents. Now get out before I pull the trigger real soon." I threatened her, and I'm not even kidding she knows. What I say is what I do.

[Oh honey~, you're gonna change for someone real soon]

She scoffed. "I am leaving! Don't ever call me again!" She looked angry, and I don't even care about it. "Huh, are you Selena Gomez? Whom I'll call again? Duh!" I chuckled.

She got off from the car. "Before going to another woman, make sure to remove that earring, which is tucked in your jacket. Who knows, you again get to face insult by her," she said and closed the door badly.

"Huh?" I didn't understand. I looked at my jacket and saw an earring tucked in my button hole. I took it off and looked at it. Then I remembered that I bumped into her, and that's when it got stuck in there.

"Looks pretty," Being honest, I didn't want to take anyone belongings. If by any chance I meet her again, I'll give her back.

But there are less than one percent chances that I'll meet her. And i haven't even seen her face. I stared at the earring. It was a white bow shaped. I wore that earring in my empty ear hole. And looked in the mirror.

"Pfft! Cute," I scoffed and took off my cap and jacket. Since it's wet. I drove back to the mansion to get my bag and stuff.

Straightly, I went to my room and started packing my stuff. I got a call from my broker of the apartment I live in, when I've to go to the university, i live there.

I picked up his phone. "Yeah?" I answered. "Sir! Actually, the tenant was shifted to your apartment a few hours ago, I forgot to tell you," he said and scrunched my face.

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