Chapter 1: Avoid the void

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5 years later...

Door bell...

Opens door...

Sqaishey: hey we're back...

Stacy: Sqaishey Colton what a nice surprise, and you brought your kids with ya....

Sqaishey: yeah we thought they can see you for the first time. Where is everyone?

Stacy: Ted and Audrey are on a cruise, lorax and Grammy Norma are in Ohio, SpongeBob and Patrick are at camp, and once-ler is with the kids. Oh and Bernice is doing her chores.

Stampy: Auntie I go play?

Stacy: okay you can go.

He ran off...

Stampy: hi cousins and uncle once-ler!!!

Once-ler: oh hey buddy the kids are outside playing tag.

Stampy: okay!!!!

Once-ler: have fun. *I wish adult stampy was here*


Stampy: hi everyone!!!

The four: Hey bud!!! We were just about to play, wanna play? Fun day!!!

Stampy: yeah!!!

The five played all day and had so much fun. With the adults...

Bernice: so how are you and Colton doing?

Sqaishey: oh we're doing fine we just wanted to stay for a couple of months till our house gets rebuilt...

Bernice: sorry your house got burnt down...

Soon they both heard a loud noise coming from outside... They both saw a void out of nowhere...

Sqaishey: we need to get out of here...

Bernice: RUN!!!!!!!

Soon the void caught them and it closed with them in it...

The police did what they could but no foundation...


The s.s.s squad and the multiverse of courage Book 3.Where stories live. Discover now