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It was the last weekend before my friends left for college. I was very sad. But I was a bit happy Fab and Devi could be together in Princeton. This summer I mostly hung out with Ethan and the girls. It was Saturday night, and we were at Devi's house. After about an hour, her Mom, Nalini walks in.
"Ok, Devi you need to pack, I'm afraid your friends have to go home. I'm sure their parents miss them anyways."
"Awh come on!" Devi whines.
"I'm so bummed, will be just not see each other till next summer?" Eleanor asks.
Before Devi could respond, her grandmother, Pati walks in.
"You girls can come to my wedding Tomorrow, it'd be nice to have some young people there."
"Awesome! Thanks, Pati. I will see you bitches tomorrow!" Devi says, getting up from the couch.
Nalini nudges Devi's shoulder.
Devi groaned

*The next night.*

I was getting ready for the wedding, when I see a text from Devi.

"Pati is begging you to bring Ethan. She says something about wanting more 'attractive' young people there. Rude honestly 😂"

"Ha, ok I'll ask. You sure you're ok with that?"


Before I continue getting ready, I text Ethan.

"Devi said I could bring you, we're all going to her grandmother's wedding. Wanna come?"


About an hour and a half later, I drive over to Devi's house, and try to find the girls, and Ethan. I go to the backyard and see El, Fab, Aneesa, and Devi. Fabs new partner was there as well. Addison. They were sitting at a table.

They were all discussing about what bartender could hook us up with alcohol.
"Definitely the old one. The cool bartenders are never cool. The old ones think everyone 18-40 is the same." Addison says.

I laugh.

I look around a room for a bit. I see Ethan enter the backyard, Ben following after him. I thought Ben was in New York.

Ethan walks up to me And sits.
I watch Devi go up to Ben and hug him.
I smile, watching his beautiful moment.

The rest of the wedding flew by. After the wedding, Ethan takes me to his house. We walk up the stairs.

"My parents are out of town for the month." He says.

We go to his room.
We sit on his bed.

"So.. uhm we should probably talk about college." I say.

He nods.

"When will we have time to see each other?" I ask.

"Aren't our colleges only like 2 hours apart? Maybe every weekend?"

"I don't know how I'll survive a whole week without your sarcastic comments." I joke.


We joke around for a few minutes before we cuddle. We both fall asleep. I fall asleep in his arms.

An: yes very short ik. In tryna create a lot of chapters and draft then so I can publish them everyday.

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